The year 2024 has now reached its end, and together we are entering 2025 – a year which will be characterised by variations of the number 9:-
2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9,
20 + 2 + 5 = 27/ 9
20 + 25 = 45/ 9
The number 9 is different from other numbers and represents the completion of a cycle.
As a result, this year stands on the threshold of a new cycle, poised between beginnings and endings.
The ‘9 year’ brings with it the experiences of the previous 8 years, enabling us to reflect on the knowledge and understandings we have experienced – so that we may extract the wisdoms gained, before beginning our new cycle.
The year 2025 will be the 25th year since the turn of the millennia and in Numerology 25/ 7 represents a potential birth in consciousness.
The higher mind (5) is born of sensitivity and emotion (20), where the higher mind is objective whilst the sensitivity and emotion are subjective.
The shape of the 25th letter ‘Y’ illustrates expansive new thinking being channelled and focussed on going to the root of existing structures.
There is a sharpness to the shape of the letter ‘Y’, this can represent the drama and emotion that can result from the sharp contrast between new thinking (representing BEGININGS / future) and existing emotions (representing ENDINGS from the past).
Great movement may result from this contrast, particularly when established corporations and influencers try to maintain their status, whilst staying ahead of new thinking and emerging trends.
Detachment is required if we are to move from focussing on our personal needs, to what best serves the collective. New creative thinking can deliver this.
The Preceding Year
Last year (2024) was characterised by variations of the number 8: –
2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8
20 + 2 + 4 = 26/ 8
20 + 24 = 44/ 8
The 8 represents the strategist and the organiser, tirelessly moving up and down to find the point of balance in the centre. The 26th letter ‘Z’ also illustrates constant movement (left to right), constantly reworking. (The number 8 on its side represents the symbol for infinity).
The 44/ 8 (20 + 24) featured strongly in 2024, this represents the existing (40) and the new structures (4), both fighting for their survival, and having to constantly re-evaluate (8) as a result.
The conflict (and the duty) of the 4, is about bringing ideas (3) down to earth and overcoming obstacles, to see new thinking through with dogged determination. This year required endurance if flights of fantasy were to be turned into reality.
There was significant conflict in 2024, resulting from individuals seeking to defend what had previously been created (40), whilst going through the pain and crisis, of constant re-evaluation (8). This may have led to a greater understanding of life and the impact of our actions. Ideally, this year has allowed us to start to build new structures (4) with greater compassion and awareness. So, building the inner temple before we build on the outside.
The 44/ 8 (20 + 24) that featured strongly in 2024, leads to the 45/ 9 (20 + 25) as we progress into 2025.
The new 45/ 9 focusses on ‘teaching through the understanding of the human condition’ and can represent a turning point in Numerology. At this time new thinking (5) may combine with existing structures (40), to serve and teach humanity (9).
The Progression of Years
The 20/ 2 that features in the first 99 years of this current millennia (2000 to 2099), represents the birth of something. Strong physical force and emotion are imperative if the miracle of birth is to happen, enabling new solutions that benefit all, to become a reality.
The 24/ 6 of last year represented a time to create space, for new structures (4) to emerge, whilst trying to maintain balance and harmony (6). The 24th letter ‘X’ illustrates the importance of finding and maintaining our centres, if we are to achieve this goal. This symbol also represents ‘the wheel of life’ constantly turning, whilst looking in every direction, demanding space to travel into new territory, and potentially taking us all out of our comfort zones.
The 25/ 7 of this new year represents the higher mind (5) acting as a great networker, constantly moving between light and shadow, to encourage new connections and greater co-operation. The number 7 represents ‘The Magician’ in Numerology, as it combines the qualities of 3 and 4 (3 + 4 = 7). The 3 represents great creativity and the power of active intelligence, whilst the 4 brings the potential to build something solid from this, by focussing on what is viable and practical. Challenging the old structure, while evaluating how best to create structures that benefit all.
The 25/ 7 will lead to 26/ 8, this featured strongly in 2024 (20 + 2 + 4 = 26) and will also feature in 2026.
The 26/ 8 in Numerology represents ‘Lord Karma’. This can result in us feeling forced into action, as any misuses of power and knowledge will have to be faced.
To achieve this, everything is brought to the surface to be re-evaluated, providing an opportunity to assess the impact of our actions and to react differently, potentially making decisions with greater awareness and compassion.
The 26/ 8 progresses to 27/ 9 which features strongly in 2025 (20 + 2 + 5 = 27/ 9), as well as 2027.
27/ 9 represents ‘wisdom from feelings and emotions’ as potentially great spirituality (7) is born of sensitivity and emotion (20/2).
This number increases the influence of the qualities of the number 7 on the 2 of feelings and emotions, encouraging both passion and detachment, as we potentially focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).
Influencers and Disrupters
Throughout these upcoming years of change, influential characters like Donald Trump and Elon Musk may continue to help this process by acting as ‘disrupters’.
In terms of Numerology, Donald Trump’s First Goal and ‘Inner Work’ are both 20/ 2 (which represents the birth of something) and his Life Path (or mission) is 40/ 4, which represents ‘harmony through conflict’.
This combination emphasises his competitive nature and ‘need to be the best’, as well as the physical and emotional strength required for ‘the birth of something’ to happen. Imperative creativity may result but when combined with his 40/ 4 Life Path (or mission), bringing together the created (existing structures) and the creative (new structures) and this may instead result in continual confrontation.
This resulting confrontation brings many issues and fears to the surface and subsequent dialogues, re-evaluations and actions has the potential to bring about swift changes. It is possible his action is helping humanity to wake up and encouraging us all to act.
Alongside Donald Trump we have Elon Musk, who’s chart is dominated by 10/ 1 energy, encouraging him to act as a pioneer and take us all into new territory.
Together they encourage swift movement and are making us aware of all that is possible.
Reflection and detachment can both be difficult, particularly when many are having to focus on their personal needs and survival. Despite this the 9 of the upcoming year will encourage us to share our knowledge, understanding, wisdom and experiences that we have gained over the past 8 years, so that we connect with the bigger picture.
The 9 will also encourage us to stand back and let go of all that no longer serves us, to focus on new creative thinking that best serves humanity.
Together we must decide on the new world we want to create.
The way forward may not be clear, but change is necessary – and as the proverb states:
‘Necessity is the mother of invention’