The year 2023 is about to begin and as you can see from the above diagram 2023 will be a ‘7 year’ (2+0+2+3), also characterised by 25/ 7 energy (20+2+3).

7 in terms of Numerology can be regarded as the ‘Magician’ as it contains the 3 and 4, so enhancing the potential to take ideas (3) and build something solid from them (4), ideally ‘opening up to spirit and running with it’. This may mean that in the process our inner lives may become of greater importance and rather than focus on getting every detail right on the outside, we may allow ourselves to connect with the bigger picture, to be more receptive and to see the beauty without the perfection, to work with life as it is rather than how we think it should be.   

This energy encourages us to go within, to trust our inner voice and to follow it. The challenge this year may be to remain true to ourselves’ at the deepest level, while also working together for the sake of humanity.

This year is also characterised by 25/ 7 energy, which in Numerology represents the ‘Birth of Consciousness’. This brings the potential for greater co-operation, as we potentially work together, fusing everything – light and shadow, conscious and unconscious.

There is the potential for this ‘Birth of Consciousness’ to bring the old mindsets down, if enough people start to see the glamour and illusion for what it is and refuse to ‘play the game’. Also, when enough people choose instead to focus their energies away from just their own needs, to take responsibility and to work on behalf of something greater than themselves, ideally focussing on being the best we can be, rather than just focussing on being better than others. This can encourage us all to start building collectively with a new mindset and a new vision.

(The ‘critical mass’ that may be needed to establish new mind sets, consists mainly of those aged up to 22, born in the 21st century and with a 2 in their chart. This group is growing in significance and influence and many from this age group have come in to help build and work with structures that are not here yet. Many in the future will be working with technologies that currently doesn’t exist. Whereas one energy can be characterised as single-minded and continuing in a straight line, with one way of doing things and one goal. Two energy gives us separation for the first time, as well as the potential to come together with new thinking after separation. Two energy gives us the opportunity to look at ourselves, our responses and behaviours in new ways.).

As can be seen from the above diagram, the words ‘Earth’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Heart’ also share this same overall self-expression (OSE = 25/ 16/ 7). The numbers behind these words also share similar vibrations and when we view the Tetaktrys (in the above diagram), we see the numbers 5 and 16/ 7 are reflections. In the Tetaktrys, both these numbers touch every number or energy that surrounds them. In a similar way ‘Earth’, ‘Nature’ and the ‘Heart’ impact and potentially brings to life all they encounter. They are all fundamental to life.

The 5 energy in Numerology represents freedom, adventure and change.

5 energy encourages us to ‘break out of our existing structure’ in our quest for knowledge and experience, encouraging us to use our 5 senses to find our truth and to live our truth.

5 energy also represents the mind and encourages us to look beyond outer form to see the energy of love and truth behind all things. (To see everything is connected and nothing is separate).

The 16/ 7 (reflected in the Tetaktrys) represents ‘the mind in action’ and reminds us that our environment’s a reflection of our inner world and for our environment to change, our thinking must change.

25/ 16/ 7 can be interpreted as ‘the birth of consciousness and new actions resulting from this’.

The challenge with 16/ 7 is to balance the 1 (the will, the individual, impulsive and unstoppable, focussed on one goal and moving in one direction) with the 6 (maintaining harmony and taking responsibility for the environment, creating movement and growth with others).

The 16/ 7 encourages movement and inner transformation, as we ideally focus our energies away from our own needs and take responsibility to work on behalf of something greater than ourselves.

This is especially true of Nature which also has 16/ 7 Personality (what the world sees) as well as 25/ 16/ 7 OSE.

The words ‘Earth’ and ‘Heart’ are made up of the same letters (or energies) but start with different letters. In Numerology the sound of the first letter of a word, carries on through the word, so giving the first letter greater significance.

The first letter ‘E’ (5) encourages constant movement, renewal, and adaptation. This letter is a vowel and ‘soul driven’ hence the driving force comes from within.

The first letter ‘H’ (8) encourages constant re-evaluation and is reacting constantly to its environment (as above, so below).

Both words have a 6 Soul Urge (or motivation), encouraging responsibility for harmony and balance. When this happens spirit (or energy) and matter can be seen to be working together, to create movement and growth with others.

Both words have a 19/ 10/ 1 Personality (what the world sees), this represents the ’correct use of power’ with no manipulation and nothing hidden. The challenge can be finding the balance between the 1 (the will, the individual, impulsive and unstoppable, focussed on one goal and moving in one direction) and the 9 (letting go of all that no longer serves you, to go beyond itself and to be constantly adapting). Finding balance can result in being pulled in different directions, but ultimately there is the potential to break through and take the lead (10/ 1), ideally taking everything in their environment with them into new territory (19/ 10/ 1).

‘Nature’ has a 9 Soul Urge (or motivation), encourages letting go of all that no longer serves you, to go beyond itself and to be constantly adapting, to go beyond itself and to be constantly adapting (as Spring follows Winter).

The word ‘Nature’ starts with the letter ‘N’ (5), this is also a 5 but not a vowel, so encourages constant movement, renewal, and adaptation, as constantly reacting to environment. (In nature everything is automatic and unconscious, governed by pure instinct).

‘Nature’ also has a 16/ 7 Personality (what the world sees), this represents the ‘mind in action’ constantly seeking balance between the 1 (the will, the individual, impulsive and unstoppable, focussed on one goal and moving in one direction) and the 6 (maintaining harmony and taking responsibility for the environment, creating movement and growth with others).

The 16/ 7 encourages movement and inner transformation, as we ideally focus our energies away from our own needs and take responsibility to work on behalf of something greater than ourselves, to create movement and growth.

As we move further into ‘The Age of Aquarius’ we are encouraged to think more in terms of the brotherhood of humanity and with the influence of the 2 energy steadily growing, we potentially move further from focusing on the self (the ego) and how ‘special’ we are individually, to consciously contributing to humanity’s place in the much bigger picture, ideally connecting to our greater self and contributing to a rise in consciousness for all.
To quote Alan Watts “Each individual is an expression of the whole of the realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe”.

While we would all agree that our current way of life is not sustainable, we all want to stay in our comfort zones. A big part of our new collective thinking is to embrace change and recognise that we are all being tested, not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.

© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton

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