Each calendar year, introduces new cycles which impact us all on a global scale. This calendar year emphasises the qualities of the number 8 (2 + 0 + 2 + 4) and as we enter August (the 8th month), we may find that that the karmic qualities of this number become further exaggerated and emphasised.

In terms of numerology the number 8 represents karma, with the words ‘Karma’ and ‘August’ sharing the same overall 17/ 8 vibration.

17/ 8 in Numerology represents ‘seeker of the truth’. This is considered a very positive karma in Numerology, bringing with it the potential for great spirituality (7) to influence our personal will (1), and ultimately our choices and behaviours. This number brings the potential for our hopes to be realised, if we listen to our intuition, stay focussed on our goals and take responsibility for our actions, (despite the many distractions competing for our attention).

The number 7 (3 + 4) represents ‘the Magician’ in numerology as it combines ideas (3) with building and form (4), so helping us to make our ideas a reality.

The first letter of a word impacts the sound and vibration of the whole word.
In the case of ‘August’ the first letter ‘A’ is also the first letter of the alphabet and represents a ‘Dynamic Leader’ who may lead us all into new territory.  This concept is demonstrated by the transition from Summer to Winter, as leaves fall from the trees, temperatures drop, and days become shorter.  

The Soul Urge or motivation for August (7) encourages spirituality and inner transformation, as we come to the end of the growing season and move from external growth to internal change and transformation.

The personality No. for August (10/ 1) represents leadership and the will to breakthrough with awareness, to begin the next cycle.

We are not separate from the world of nature. We are all a part of this ever-evolving flow of spirit into matter, and the natural cycles of our environment.

As the 11th letter of the alphabet, the first letter (’K’) of the word ‘Karma’ encourages us to be open to spiritual awareness and to become more aware of the feelings of others. Potentially encouraging understanding and harmony.

The Soul Urge or motivation from ‘Karma’ (2) potentially brings up lots of emotion and may encourage us to see both sides of the situation, before taking action.

On the other hand, the personality No. for ‘Karma’ (15/ 6) represents a decision to be made. This may require the use of inner knowledge and wisdom gained to either help others or serve the 5 senses of self. (This number 15 is significant as the 15th letter ‘O’ represents a great potential and the 15th card in the major arcana of the Tarot represents ‘Angel /Devil’).

The year 2024 can also be interpreted as 26/ 8 (20 + 2 + 4).
This represents ‘Lord Karma’ – ‘guide and lover of the little ones’ and can be interpreted as ‘achieving success (8) so as to help others (6)’. Ideally this may be achieved by moving ones focus from the self to the group and taking karmic responsibility. Any misuse of power or knowledge during this period will need to be faced, hence why we are witnessing more controversy being brought to the surface to be addressed.

Another interpretation of the year 2024 is 44/ 8 (20 + 24).
This represents the qualities of survival and endurance, in amongst constant movement. The number 4 in numerology is the number of building and form, but also represents ‘harmony through conflict’. Ultimately the number 4 is about building the ‘inner temple’ rather than building on the outside.

A 44/ 8 year can emphasise this aspect of the number 4, and the current conflicts between those trying to maintain existing structures (from which they benefit) and those who are trying to bring in new structures (so making their ideals a reality) may reflect this.

In the case of the conflicting interests, both sides often hold a strong belief in their actions and their respective justifications. As a result of this individuals may go to great extremes to get our attention and to get their messages across. This can collectively result in mixed messages and great confusion.

In our shared world of social media and ‘influencers’, snap judgements and emotional responses are encouraged and often achieve greater visibility. The messages individuals are exposed to are therefore often polarised and can result in opinions being influenced without due consideration on a large scale. This can produce sudden and dramatic movements felt by millions, with thought patterns and their resulting behaviours changing rapidly.

We may feel we are swinging in different directions, but these movements bring important issues to the surface to be looked at, and it is only through balanced consideration of multiple perspectives that we can develop our own robust beliefs and opinions.

Social-media and sensationalist headlines are increasingly intended to get our attention and provoke an emotional response, often at the expense of accuracy. This may eventually result in many becoming numb to the world around them and losing sight of their own beliefs.

As a result of this individuals are increasingly choosing to minimise their exposure to social media  – opting instead to step away from the dramas being played out on their screens and conserve their energy, allowing them to create the space needed to determine how they wish to respond.

The frequent and extreme shifts taking place globally may result in us having to focus more on the challenges we face in our immediate reality. This may result in more face-to-face dialogue, talking more to our neighbours and family, rather than forming opinions about celebrities and high-profile individuals we may never meet.

Returning our focus to the significance of the year 2024.
The number 8 is the only number with a shape that has no beginning and no end and on its side it represents eternity. The shape of the 8 can be seen to be ever evolving, symbolising the constant flow of spirit into matter. This process can be observed in how our thought patterns (spirit) influence our behaviours (matter). How we respond and where this takes us to is an example of this constant flow.

The shape of the number 8 is symmetrical ‘as above, so below’ and represents balance ultimately being found between the material and the spiritual worlds. This can also be   interpreted as ‘The deeper we go – The higher we fly’.

An 8 year ultimately brings the potential for balance and regeneration as more and more’s brought to the surface to be looked at and the ‘circles’ get smaller and smaller, until we all reach that central point of stillness, balance and harmony. The extremes we are witnessing can be seen as part of us reaching that central point of balance.

Whatever our response, the truth can be hard to find and may have be more to do with the motivations behind the actions of those competing to influence us. The truth ultimately may be found when we look within, away from the dramas and outer distractions, to follow our hearts. When we find the harmony within and are living true to ourselves, this is reflected back top us in our environment.

As human beings we are uniquely self-conscious and provide the bridge between the created worlds of the past and worlds yet to be created.

We have a unique opportunity to choose the foundations of the future world we are building together.

“We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world” Gabir Mate.

© 2024 Copyright Jane Alton

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