2024 from a New Perspective

As you can see from the above illustration, the year 2024 is dominated by 8 energy.
In terms of numerology: –
8 represents karma and constant re-evaluation, as light continually moves into the dark to re-emerge, bringing everything to the surface to be looked at in the light of day. Resilience is required, as decisions have to be made ‘do I take this with me or do I let this go’, (on its side this number also represents eternity).
8 represents the strategist and organiser moving back and forth tirelessly, destroying and rebuilding.
8 is continually working to find the point of balance at the centre between ’as above so below’ – so spirit and matter, inner and outer can work together in harmony.
8 brings the potential to gain inner strength and humility as we come to the end of another
9-year cycle. The 8 representing this year, also evolves from the 7 energies of last year, which continue to be carried forward, particularly in the early part of this year.

2023 saw lots of ups and downs with lots of ideas and new thinking (3), born of emotion (20). We may also have felt very sensitive and vulnerable, outside of our comfort zones (7), forced to embrace change and be adaptable (43/ 7), ‘thinking on our feet’ (25/ 7) and going with the flow’ more than we would like.

This year: –
2+0+2+4 = 8, ’Essential Goal’ – there may be to constant re-evaluation.

20 + 2 + 4 = 26/ 8 ‘Method’ – this may involve taking responsibility (6) for actions resulting from new thinking, (26/ 8 represents ‘Lord Karma’)

20 + 24 = 44/ 8 ‘Potential Resulting Action’ – this may result in a determination to make new ideas viable and practical (4).

This may stretch our boundaries as 8 represents re-evaluation at all levels, as everything is potentially brought to the surface to be looked at – greed, ambition, corruption …

Illusion V Truth … may become a re-occurring theme for 2024 …

The movement from the 23 to the 24 is at the heart of this movement …

While 23/ 5 can represent new ideas and new thinking (3) born of emotion (20).

24/ 6 can represent a potential for new structures (4) born of emotion (20).
24/ 6 can also represent taking responsibility for others (6) and there is a potential for harmony, if the focus is on bringing everyone together, taking responsibility for serving the group.

But 24/ 6 energy can also be ruthless when promoting an image of perfect harmony, to bolster an individual’s sense of their own self-worth i.e. ‘look at us we are the perfect happy family”.

As illustrated above, the word ‘Truth’ is also represented by 24/ 6.
When connections are built on a truth that feels in accordance with personal realities, there is a potential for true harmony. Individuals can feel empowered and emboldened to speak out, especially when their individual contributions are appreciated and understood.

Truth is a very emotive word, which can too easily become polarised and distorted, especially if we choose only to interact with individuals and groups, that represent and reinforce a truth, we can relate to.

“If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

In amongst constant movement balance needs to be found between our personal responsibility to ourselves, our families, and the group.

Ideally the 8 energy now influencing us all, could help us to work at self-mastery and balance between the material and spiritual, aligning inner and outer worlds, helping us all to find the points of balance in the centre.

The words ‘Ego’ and ‘Love’ (as illustrated above) illustrate the impact of subtle differences in approach and focus, when aligning our inner and outer worlds.
Both words are represented by the same overall numbers, but with subtle differences in origin.

11/ 2 represents the Soul Urge or motivation (in red), behind both words.
‘Ego’ = 56/ 11/ 2 is governed by mind (50), especially with a 5 first letter.
56/ 11/ 2 represents a great organiser, who can be over controlling and wants to take charge of the group. Ultimately, this number represents the journey from the head (5) to the heart (6) and can bring the potential for mindsets to change.

‘Love’ = 65/ 11/ 2 is governed by beauty, harmony, and wisdom (60).
65/ 11/ 2 represents a prolific creator, motivated to work with the group.
(The word ‘Power’ has the same Soul Urge or motivation).

7 represents the Personality (what the world sees) of both words (in blue) and was an essential goal for us all in 2023.
7 represents ‘the magician’ bringing everything together and constantly driven to materialise.
‘Ego’ = 7 on its own, this can represent a focus on self with a fear of making a mistake.
‘Love’ = 34/ 7 this represents ‘systematic spiritual growth’ as new structures (4) potentially evolve from creative ideas (3), shining for others.

18/ 9 is the ‘Overall Self Expression’ (OSE, in black), for both words.
18/ 9 represents a massive re-evaluation and re-vision (8) of how best to serve the self (1) and the group (9).

As a result of these subtle differences
‘Ego’ may be focussed on the self and an individual’s sense of self-worth &/or self-importance. Behind this may be fear.   
‘Love’ may be more motivated to work creatively with the group and to allow things to evolve more naturally.
With both words constant re-evaluation and movement is central.
18/ 9 can also represent a massive ‘letting go’ as you may realise you are holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone.

It’s interesting that the words ‘Truth’ and ‘Power’ (also illustrated above) share the same Personality No. (in blue, what the world sees), 21/ 3 represents great will power focussed on the self (1) and born of emotion (20). Full of ideas (3), with great communication skills.

The OSE for ‘Truth’ (24/ 6, in black) represents building new structures (4), that result in harmony (6). 33/ 6 (appearing vertically) represents the heart and ‘the saviour’ in numerology.

OSE ‘Power’ (32/ 5, in black) represents speaking for others (3) of love/wisdom (2), to bring about change and new thinking (5). 32/ 5 also represents pride in numerology.

The words ‘Power’ ‘Ego’ and ‘Love’ all share an 11/ 2 Soul Urge or motivation, (in red).
This brings a potential for inspirational communication, if not stuck, focussed on the self and emotional glamour.
The 22/ 4 energy that dominates the word ‘Influence’ is connected to ‘Power’ Ego’ Love and Truth as 22/ 4 can also be defined as 2 x 11/ 2. 22/ 4 can also be thought of as originating from 21/ 3. (The great will (1) focussing on the self, potentially giving over to love/wisdom (2) and caring for others).

22/ 4 in Numerology represents the master builder, ‘building with love’.
In tarot (which comes from Numerology) the 22nd card in the major arcana represents ‘The Fool’ (at the end of the journey and yet the beginning, at the same time). The fool represents someone who has let go of all social conventions and any self-interest. He walks towards the edge of the cliff carrying nothing but his little cloth bag, which is full of love and truth. Pulling at his trousers is a lynx, representing the profane world, trying to drag him back into the world of illusion, but he appears completely unaffected by this.

22/ 4 energy can manifest in oscillation as we are potentially aware of the games and the illusions that are being played out, but we choose to stay ‘on the fence’ preferring to observe and ideally stay in our ‘comfort zone’.

The OSE (in black) of the word ‘Influence’ = 44/ 8 (4 x 11/ 2 & 2 x 22/ 4).
44/ 8 also aligns with ‘the potential resulting action of 2024’ and may result in a determination to make new ideas viable and practical (4).
44/ 8 in this context could also represent endurance and ultimately survival of our truth, as we constantly potentially re-evaluate, rebalance, and strategize – determined to live according to our personal truth, making our ideas viable and practical (4), while staying on the fence and in our comfort zone! This may however not be possible.

“We can also spend so long in the loo that we don’t notice the smell anymore … But when we do we have to get out …” Josei Toda

Current major (and growing) influences are technology and social media. On one level may make our lives easier and give us the illusion of freedom, as we may feel we are choosing who we interact with, (choosing also to stay in our comfort zone).

This apparent freedom however results from us increasingly working within the same structures, procedures, and parameters. We are also encouraged to think what manufacturers and service providers want us to think, with luxury lifestyles and goods appearing now to be available to all, on the mass market. Entitlements, once only available to the lucky few, now appear available and accessible to all.

Money also has become ‘fictionalised’ and ‘not real’ as many no longer hold cash in their hands.

With success increasingly measured in terms of individual representation on social media. There appears no space for the individual to express their unique personality, follow their personal calling. Creativity appears lost to standardisation …

It seems we’re all being sold the same manufactured dream, with the words ‘do it now’ on the price tag.

However, the essential goal in 2024 (8), represents a constant re-evaluation, between material and spiritual, inner, and outer, as we again seek balance.
The method (26/ 8), involves taking responsibility (6) for actions resulting from new thinking. (26/ 8 also represents ‘Lord Karma’)
The ‘Potential Resulting Action’ (44/ 8) could bring a determination to make new ideas and new thinking viable and practical (4) for all.

If Illusion V Truth … become a re-occurring theme for 2024 …  we may seek to reclaim our personal and collective truth. Perhaps choosing to come out of our comfort zones in the process.

It’s interesting that with technology now doing so much of the work, we all appear too busy to reconnect with nature, listen to our inner guidance and follow our hearts. 

Space is needed for creativity to flourish.
Love is also still the most powerful force on this planet

It’s interesting, that when we add together the 2 numbers resulting from the words ‘Power’ and ‘Truth’ (32/ 5 + 24/ 6), the resulting number (56/ 11/ 2) represents, the journey from the head to the heart, as mindsets are forced to change, and a key aspect to the 11/ 2 is the space to think in new ways.

“They fear love because it creates a world they can’t control” George Orwell

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