Love the most powerful force on this planet …
For anything to truly work there has to be love …
The word starts with a 3, which represents the trinity, creativity, communication and joy.
The first vowel ‘O’ is a 6 which emphasises harmony and responsibility.
The Soul Urge or motivation (11/ 2), is to be a channel with a direct link to spirit.
11/ 2 visionary, idealistic, inspirational, with great breadth of vision and the potential for inspired communication.
This 11/ 2 is made up of the 6 and 5 and 65/ 11/ 2 is known as the prolific creator, the higher mind (5) born of devotion and idealism (60/ 6).
The Personality, what we see is the 7, this is known as ‘The Magician’ as it has the potential to make the spiritual real in a physical way. The 7 combines the 3, (the blue print, the idea, the gift to be discovered) with the 4 which focuses on what is viable and practical, potentially building something solid.
34/ 7 also represents new structures (4) born of great creativity and light, shining for others (30/ 3).
The Overall Self Expression (OSE) 18/ 9 is about a massive re-evaluation (8) as you learn to let go of an existing mind set … to let go and trust …
The 18th letter ‘R’ can represent words such as return, revise, revisit… all about going back over all that has gone before, to extract the wisdom and ultimately to let go of existing mind sets …
May the force be with you …
For anything to truly work there has to be love …
On one level we have no choice but to allow this to happen, feeling optimistic may make the process less painful and may allow us to go with the flow and see where this takes us …
So, hands off and let it happen… Why not let spirit take the lead…
@2020 Copyright Jane Alton