When looking for truth it is only natural that we start our search by looking outside of ourselves. We may come to know ourselves by how our environment responds to us.
For many of us, our investigation may include the search engine ‘Google’.
Looking at this word in terms of Numerology: –
6 6 5 17/ 8 = Soul Urge or Motivation
7 73 17/ 8 = Personality or ‘What the world sees’
34/16/ 7 = Overall Self Expression (OSE)
The 17/ 8 of the Soul Urge and Personality, represents seeking out the truth, wanting to get to the bottom of things. This number also represents ‘God and his creature’ or someone in the darkness of the mineral kingdom (1) connecting with spirit (7).
The 7 in Numerology can represent ‘the magician’ as the 7 contains the 3 & 4, the blueprint or the original idea (3) and the potential to build something from this (4)
The 34 of the OSE represents new structures (4) evolving naturally from the blueprint or the original idea (30/ 3), with the potential to scatter energy or to ‘shine for other’s’.
The subsequent 16/ 7 represents the mind in action and is the ultimate mirror, reflecting back images of ourselves in our relationships. This number can also represent great transience and change as we take responsibility for our behaviour towards others (6) and are encouraged down a spiritual path (7).
The 16th card in Tarot (Tarot comes from Numerology), is The Tower being struck by lightning and coming down … The Tower embodying our beliefs, values and goals in life.
It’s interesting to note that the 16/ 7 of the OSE can connect back to the 17/ 8 of the Soul Urge and Personality. This illustrates how potentially we may be going in circles, searching for truth yet getting further away from this, as we repeatedly look outside ourselves for answers and our behaviours become more and more modified.
Google is of course not neutral, it has plans for our consciousness and wants out attention.
The truth we are viewing has been selected and manipulated, certain information is hidden while other information is imposed on us.
The majority of us constantly refer to Google, before making decisions. We go to the same sources, hear ourselves repeat the same phrases, witness ourselves having the same responses and sharing the same modified behaviours and views.
To think independently of this machine, to decide what you want to think about and to protect your consciousness is a challenge … Especially if you don’t know life without Google, and are less likely to question its validity.
(If we hear the same phrase repeatedly it can easily become our truth, and this can be considered brain washing).
The new structures (4) evolving naturally from the he blueprint or the original idea (30/ 3), can of course be represented by the algorithm’s at the heart of the machine.
The Influence of Intellect
An algorithm is defined as “A procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation”.
Algorithms and computations are defined by human intellect.
When we look at the word intellect in terms of Numerology:
9 5 5 19/ 10/ 1 = Soul Urge or Motivation
52 33 32 18/ 9/ 9 = Personality or ‘What the world sees’
37/ 19/ 10/ 1 = Overall Self Expression (OSE)
The 19/ 10/ 1 of the Soul Urge and OSE represents ‘the correct use of power’ and can ‘go to the heart of the matter’ as there is a choice to be made. Do I focus on helping humanity (9) or do I serve myself (1)?
The subsequent 10/ 1 represents a potential re-birth as a selfless new age leader’ may emerge, (after feeling pulled in different directions and in a struggle to be truly independent and self-confident).
Ironically the 19th card in Tarot (Tarot comes from Numerology), is the radiant Sun that penetrates the heart of matter, so nothing is hidden …
At the heart of this word, the Personality No. (what the world sees) is 18/ 9. This is the same vibration as the word ‘love’ and can also represent ‘holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone’. The 8 here represents a massive re-evaluation of how best to serve humanity (9).
Also, from this 18/ 9 comes the 19/ 10/ 1.
Finally, the 37 in the OSE (37 / 19/ 10/ 1) represents ‘out of the blue spirit is back’ and the revelation of one’s true self is revealed!!!
The Importance of Love
In the search for truth, it is easy to focus on intellect and lose sight of love, yet as we have previously noted the vibrations of ‘Heart’ and ‘Love’ connect the words ‘Intellect’ and ‘Truth’.
For true creative thinking to emerge, ‘Heart’ and ‘Love’ must be involved as they represent the ultimate truth. Love remains the most powerful force on this planet (despite what the algorithms may say!).
When we look at the word TRUTH in terms of Numerology:
3 3/ 3 = Soul Urge or Motivation
2 9 28 21/ 3 = Personality or ‘What the world sees’
24/ 6 = Overall Self Expression (OSE)
The Soul Urge or Motivation (3) represents the blueprint or the original idea and the personality or ‘what the world sees’ (21/ 3), represents the fusion of lighted truth with eternal wisdom, the potential to merge with something greater than ourselves.
The OSE 24/ 6 represents ‘perfect harmony in time and space’ as new structures (4) emerge, born of love and search for perfect harmony.
Vertically we can also see 33/ 6, which represents the heart in Numerology, seeing the Soul.
The algorithms and computations we previously explored ultimately represent rigid mindsets that are separate from reality. Intellect can only take us so far when dealing with the realities of life, that we all face. Intellect and illusion cannot protect us from these realities. For true creative thinking to emerge, our mindsets and thinking must be a connected with our heart and with love.
Underneath the layers of behaviours, reinforced over many generations for our survival, we can find our pure essence, our pure connections in love and ultimately our truth (and treasure) within. (This truth is something no one can touch or take away from us!).
Re-connecting with our common humanity may be what saves us. It may help also to remember the considerable power and influence of people such as Ghandi, Mandella, Jesus and Buddha. These individuals did not have great armies, wealth or status yet connected profoundly through their humanity (long before the advent Google and social media).
We witness each other’s common humanity every time we help each other make sense of life.
When we listen to others and are listened to in return.
When a loved one dies, when someone we love doesn’t love us anymore, when we love someone so much our heart explodes and we feel dizzy.
It’s at times like these we can reach out to art, poetry, music, songs … and to others …
We want to know: –
Does anyone else feel this way?
Has anyone else felt this bad?
What is happening to me?
Listen to me and I’ll listen to you …
When we speak, we repeat what we believe to be true and (reinforce this belief), but when we listen, we may learn something new. It’s then we can start to witness and respond in a spontaneous way, directly from heart to heart with no manipulation and no illusion. Just truth.
It is then that true and meaningful relationships can be forged.
Everything aligns in time and when this happens there is a potential to truly harmonise with our environment and within ourselves, knowing ourselves at the deepest most profound level.
Following this rhythm, we can trust we are in the right place at right the time, and we can allow ourselves to be guided by something beyond fear and ego.
When we love what we do we are not in competition with anyone.
When we profoundly connect with ourselves and our environment, we can see ourselves in others and feel that connection.
There is no need to be separate or prove that we are special in any way. We can fully appreciate how special we all are.
Gratitude and appreciation for what we have in our lives can shift our energies.
Problems rather than separating us (especially of we want to maintain an image), are ultimately what connect us and help us to work to build a brave new world together, on the shared values of love and respect, for the dignity of life.
© 2024 Copyright Jane Alton