“Thank you for the most insightful few hours, I was blown away by the accuracy and detail of my family members. It gave me such insight into past events and the impact that it had on individuals as well as a much clearer view going forward. Your enthusiasm for your craft is infectious and it’s all so fascinating!” DM
“Thank you SO much for your time yesterday, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done, and I still can’t believe how accurate everything you said was!!” LO London
It was an absolute pleasure to connect with Jane and to have my numbers read. Not only did I feel that I was more grounded in my purpose in life, but also confirmed hunches in my life and about my connections with life events and people in my life. It all made absolute sense and Jane was accurate about certain dates and meanings behind them, without having background information prior. Jane has so much knowledge and finding this tool has been a great way to learn about myself and my mission. Jane is so lovely. The experience has been wonderful.
Thank you so much Jane.
SC, London

“Thank you for taking the time to present the numerology reading, it was really informative and has given me a lot to think about”. LS Dundee

I wanted to write a review of my numerology reading. I really enjoyed my time with Jane. She highlighted things I didn’t know about myself. She had a very warm and welcoming nature and allowed me to ask questions whenever I wanted. I have found out that my way of looking at things in an entirely different way is actually an amazing quality! I learnt a lot of other things to which I will hold very close to my heart! I would highly recommend Jane for a reading. Its amazing how your date of birth and time can reveal so much about you! Thank-you Jane! Lots of love Deborah

“Thank you Jane for an amazing insight into my creativity, my life purpose and my family journey. I’m so glad I went for the full reading as you left no stone unturned and have given me a much deeper trust with my intuition and to follow my pioneer path with courage and bravery. Thank you from the bottom of my heart”. Clare Haxby Artist, London – Singapore
“I have so much to write about my changes after your beautiful work. You have confirmed all that I felt/knew deep down inside but had difficulty expressing. Knowing what I know now, I’m able to witness everyone blessed with their oneness in their own unique and beautiful way, just on different paths.
You have helped me to understand and to remember deep down what I am truly purely about. I would never have had the confidence to stay with my heart centre (its the compass of truth), had I not had my consultation with you, I may have always allowed my ego to get the better of me!
Thank you so much, I have hard days, but I now see the light of my journey and the way forward is clear”. NM
“I recently had a consultation with Jane, to look at mine, my husband’s and son’s life maps and our relationships charts analysing how we all interlink as a family and individually. Jane also looked at my monthly numbers for the year ahead personally and from a business perspective as well as my husband’s and sons on a four month basis. I found this information very helpful in understanding key themes coming up in the year ahead for myself personally and also my family. The consultation in the end spanned 3 separate sessions, as I wanted to look at some additional information regarding school choices for my son. Looking at the patterns in the numbers for my son and the school choices was so insightful. It enabled myself and my husband to make the right choice in line with my sons numbers and how from these he would interact with the numerology and vibration of each school. This has given me so much peace of mind that I cannot express in words just how appreciative I am for Janes, expertise and knowledge sharing this information to help us make an informed choice. It is something I would recommend to any parent! Jane is such a shining star in this world. Her patience, kindness, and attention to detail are outstanding. I can’t thank her enough!” DP
“We found our consultation with Jane so interesting and would highly recommend for couples as a nice activity to do together. Spookily accurate and so interesting to learn about numerology as a concept and how it applies to everyday life. We would recommend to anyone looking for some insight and guidance. Jane is very thorough and warm, making the session enjoyable and engaging. Thank you, Jane!” RY
“It was very insightful to have my numbers read and interpreted by you.”
GS, Milton Keynes
“Thank you for a very insightful and thought provoking consultation.”
VK, London
“Thank you for such an inspiring afternoon. I came away with more clarity, knowing that I’m on the right path. I do over-think things and sometimes that does hold me back. I have your voice in my head saying ‘listen to your inner voice’ and that makes me want to invest back into my creativity.”
SB, London
“This is the second time I’ve been to Jane for an in-depth reading after first having a taster session at an open day. She is so specific that it’s as if she has been watching your life unfold until date. The added insight she has that comes from her own ability to connect to source and channel information is evident to me (although she has never claimed this) and gives more depth to the numerology reading than one might find when receiving charts from other practitioners. The accuracy of her reading boarder on the bazaar and has helped me have faith in my own decision making. Sometimes readings can evoke self-healing on the spot as topics are raised or issues worked through. Her compassion and empathy facilitate this process with ease. It was a very powerful session. She is obviously dedicated to her craft and gives you the time and attention to detail that you need. I highly recommend James work and am sure I will continue to seek her guidance in future”. MLW, London
“I received my first numerology reading with Jane Alton in July 2014. We spent a day together at her house when she also made some delicious lunch and introduced me to Nature’s Sunshine products (which subsequently helped me survive an intense secondary school teaching career!). We didn’t quite finish so at no extra cost we had one Skype session to finish analysing my theatre company that I’d dreamt of running.
Jane is passionate about her work and really comes alive communicating the meaning of the numbers to you. She is inspiring, very wise and most importantly, very kind, nurturing and supportive. It is owing to having my numbers read with her that I have found the courage to leave the teaching profession three years later (in 2017) and go for it with my theatre company. From the sessions with her helping me, I deep down know it’s my life’s work to manifest it. Having her relay and help make sense of my challenges and strengths has helped me to find peace with myself and keep going when life can be muddy!!
We have stayed in touch since 2014 and she has given me Skype readings – two this year (2017) – which have helped me stay on track with listening to my inner truth and re-finding my centre / remembering there is an anchor somewhere in my heart helping me stay the course.
Her genuine belief in my abilities, from what she sees though the numbers, I trust. Also it goes beyond trust as it’s actually fact now my life is shaping out in accordance with shifts suggested by the numbers. She relays information to you that you can accept and not get defensive about (which I can have a tendency to do so she’s very tactful), just accept and be reminded that you are living on this planet to work through ‘stuff’ while you work out how to shine your light most bright for your own happiness and those who are surrounded by.
Jane is incredibly insightful and genuine. I would recommend having a numerology reading with her to help you make sense of your life, appreciate it and most importantly, get back to enjoying it and trusting in yourself and the way your life is unfolding (when it can feel very murky and confusing down on the ground from day to day!).
If you are considering working with Jane, go for it, it’s important for your long-term happiness “
HD, Shropshire
“Jane’s numerology analysis was incredibly accurate and also very comforting. I was amazed at the detail provided. It was as if Jane knew us our entire lives. She included an analysis of myself, my husband, children and grandparents and we gained remarkable insight into all aspects of our lives past, present and future. I trust her analysis and interpretation completely as she revealed things that only I knew so I do trust her future predictions too.
Thank you Jane!” OK, Ireland
“Thank you I enjoyed my consultation immensely. This is a very extensive and worthwhile report, I look forward to going through it all again” EOH, Kent
“Absolutely spot on about me from the moment Jane started to speak ! So interesting that I will be spreading the word about this”
DR, Kent
“Amazing !!” CM, Kent
“Summed me up so well – everything was totally spot on” LB, Kent
“Fabulous !! So very interesting … Jane was so wonderful in explaining it all …” DJ, London
“Jane is totally amazing and formidable. Her ability to read you and your family’s numbers and letters founded from your names, birth date and place of birth is second to none. I personally had a reading where Jane read both my own personal numbers and my immediate family, Jane put me at ease as she flowed with a wealth of information about me as a person and characteristic traits, talents, strengths and weaknesses as well my family’s too. Jane then linked all my habits and characteristic traits to those of my family and how we all slotted in with each other. It was pure joy and such an eye opener and I felt like Jane knew me better than I knew myself and she had an insight into my soul. Jane is kind, gentle and executes her readings with passion, tact, understanding and diplomacy” VH, Kent
“I wanted to thank you for your clarity and patience. Your readings are quite extraordinary. When I reflect back on what you told me would come along, what my strengths and challenges were I am amazed at how right you were.
You first met with me about four years ago when you gave me some very pertinent and personal advice about what might happen to my ex-husband in early 2016. You were right.
That guidance informed my decisions and put a timetable to what I decided I needed to achieve before that time. A catastrophe hit him within weeks, and it might have changed outcomes had I not tied up everything beforehand.
This is extraordinary and not something that I could have predicted. Thank you Jane.
For our most recent reading your preparation was so extensive, you were clear and easy to understand and you could tell me immediately what my children are like without ever meeting them. I really feel you have given me great guidance now to help me support the next stage in my childrens lives. And to map out my own. And to feel excited about doing so.
Thank you very much Jane, anyone who spends time with you in a reading will not regret it in my view”. BW, Kent
“You really helped me regain focus and decide what I currently needed to let go of. You confirmed everything I already know and that was very important as I needed to be sure. Xxx Thank you so much” BA, London
“Thank you for such a fabulous reading. So many things that ring true” AC, Kent
“A great reading I learnt so much about myself” JH, Kent
“I really enjoyed my Numerology session with Jane. The accuracy of her interpretations was very impressive and she delivers this in a gentle, kind, non-judgemental manner. The amount of time and effort she puts into the preparation and the actual session is incredible. She is generous with her time and a lovely presence to be with”. SL, Kent
“Inspirational and so encouraging …. ties up lots of loose ends. Thank you for helping me to understand myself better”. JS, Kent
“I was quite blown over by the intricacies of it all and amazed at all the connections. Thank you for spending all that time on me”.
BB, Kent
“I am absolutely blown away by the accuracy of Jane’s reading today. Light has been shed on my past and future. Everything makes perfect sense and I am feeling so inspired about my future. Thank you so much Jane”. NC, Kent
“I Just wanted to say thank you so much for my Numerology Consultation. You have opened my eyes to many things and have helped me to understand so much” RO, Kent
“A fantastic and very interesting experience – and so true! I now feel calm and reassured that all that has gone before certainly was not a mistake, just very good preparation for what I now need to get on with and enjoy” PR, Kent.
“I loved every moment of my consultation. You are truly gifted. This made me tingle”. SP, Hythe, Kent
“This was the first time I have had a Numerology reading and it was so accurate. It was a wonderful reading and everything became very clear to me. Jane is fantastic. A lovely person, with her own style and unique gift to share with the world”. JR, Kent
“Thank you sooooo much for sending the recording and charts, they are fantastic. So much of what you say rings so true. My initial interest was an intellectual fascination and yet the experience has been surprisingly healing. Since my reading I’ve felt a deep sense of reassurance that what has passed is not necessarily wrong, but actually very right. Consequently, I feel a greater sense of self acceptance and a growing sense of peace that I haven’t felt for far too long Thank you!”“Truly amazing. I feel as if Jane has lived with me all my life. She is so accurate” BC, Kent
“It was fascinating to see how quickly you literally “figured out” my friends and my personality through your numerology skills at the fair yesterday” S Mayes, Kent
“I thought you may like some feedback from this morning for your website.
Thank you so much for the reading today which I thoroughly enjoyed and for welcoming me into your home. You gave over and above what I had hoped for from the reading and I came away with a clear understanding of strengths and weaknesses of myself and family members.
Starting with the reading on myself you moved seamlessly through my family and other events with significant dates in my life. It was interesting to hear how people and events in my life link, enhance and strengthen relationships. The amount of information was extraordinary and accurate. I learned a lot about myself and family which will help me understand things from other perspectives from now on.
I am looking forward to receiving the recording as there was so much information to absorb it will be helpful to listen again and also use as a reference in the future.
I would thoroughly recommend Jane as she clearly invested a huge amount of time into the preparation and planning and delivered the reading with compassion in a friendly and informative style.
Once again thank you very much….” AG, Kent
“I had a numerology consultation recently with the lovely Jane Alton and I have to say it was enlightening and intriguing! Highly recommend her ….”
Jo Tiller, Mind Body & Soul – Events Marketing Director and Co Founder
“Your consultation was amazing, the information you gave me was mind blowing. You mentioned in a prior conversation that numerology would explain and answer so many questions. well it certainly did that. It made so much sense to me”. SG, Maidstone, Kent
“I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful experience of your numerology consultation. You gave generously of your time in order to give a full and balanced overview of my family and I am most grateful. I feel very comforted by what you had to tell me and have renewed confidence in who I am and in a positive future for me and my girls” JC, Tunbridge Wells.
“I approached Jane after spending many days filling in automated numerology calculators online. I had reached plateau so I decided to have an ‘all about me’ Skype reading. Jane was very approachable on the phone and very accommodating to all of my questions. She has exceeded my initial inquiry by helping me to resolve a very deep conflict about my identity and responsibility. I will continue referring back to my life map and mp3 recording to remain synchronised with my numbers. Thank you for being there for me Jane!” NV, UK
“We had an amazing numerology consultation with Jane who is such a warm and empathetic lady. The girls and I have been talking about her ever since!” JC Tunbridge Wells
“When you did my reading, it was as if you had been in my head and my home, living my life with me. I was completely bowled over by what you were able to tell me. Thank you. xxx” SC Hartley, Kent
“I have to tell you how amazing your reading was, so accurate…it was uncanny.
I feel much more settled since our Skype meeting, as though lots of things have fallen into place and that feeling of being different, which I am sure many people have, has been resolved. I feel that I am where I am meant to be and can now see why certain events happened when they did and why I made some of the choices that I did….that I can stop beating myself up for making them….as they were going to happen anyway.
I feel more positive about the future now and feel that there are many good things still to come.
You have a lovely approach….down to earth and honest yet so positive and kind too, I felt very relaxed with you and can see the amount of work that has gone into my charts. I have recommended you to my friends and know you can help them understand their lives the way you have helped me understand mine”. FL UK
“I have just had a fantastic reading with Jane and can’t recommend her highly enough. I gained great clarity from the ‘life path’ and being able to view my journey and its progression in this way is enormously helpful. To understand tough times as necessary life lessons is extremely affirming, empowering and healing. We’re part of a system of such incredible beauty and grandeur, and the chance to reconnect with the patterns of life and of our own personal evolution with expert guidance is incredibly worthwhile. Jane is not only a great numerologist but a wonderful communicator, extremely thorough and very generous with her knowledge. Her insights were 100% accurate and I immediately felt that I was in the presence of someone who knew me very well indeed! Having a recording of the reading is invaluable, and I’m sure I’ll refer to it many times! Brilliant! Thank you so much”. AN Hastings
“I’m actually listening to my reading right now – I love it and it was one of the best investments I have made so thank you for such helpful guidence – you have a gift there” SP Tunbridge Wells
“Thank you so much for sending me my reading, recording, relationship chart and life map … I have listened to the recording 3 times now and each time I listen to it more seems to click into place ! Thanks again for such an insightful, wonderful experience …”
CT Rainham, Kent
“Working with Jane it was obvious she was very gifted in using numbers via this ancient art to read in-depth into life, business and more. She provided an excellent service for which the passion she works with simply just sparkled”. PW, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jane, from the bottom of my heart, for her expert opinion and advice both in the past and present; particularly in regard to my relationship. Jane’s wise counsel and insight has been enlightening and very helpful. Knowing that Jane respects our privacy and will treat our conversations as private, allows us both to really ‘open up ‘ – thank you”.
JW, Battle, East Sussex
“I had no idea what to expect, so arrived with an ‘open mind’. I was completely blown away with the amount of information I was given ! Certainly didn’t expect that. I found the experience very enlightening and it gave me much food for thought. The follow up support offered and given is fantastic. You’re such a helpful, lovely and inspiring lady. Thank you”. WS Tunbridge Wells
“I consulted Jane because I’d come to a point in my life where I had lost my way and was deeply uncertain about what was right for me. Her reading was uncannily accurate regarding my early life and family and provided me with a fresh perspective on my early life.
The information she gave me about my mission in life was at the same time unexpected and yet made total sense. It revealed a path to me that I’d never really properly considered but when I truly looked at my desires and feelings it was obvious that it was correct. It was a deeply affecting and positive experience that has provided me not only with clarity as to my role but also the peace of mind and patience to let it unfold.
Thank you so much”.
SE Anglesey
“I have had many clairvoyant readings in the past, usually when I am feeling a little lost and in need of some form of guidance, but I’m often left disappointed by either the person giving the reading, due to their lack of enthusiasm, or just the reading itself. After meeting Jane, and having a numerology reading, this all changed as I never realised just how magical, and closely integrated numbers are in our lives. Jane’s passion for her work flows throughout the reading, helping you understand your individual numbers, regarding your personality, soul purpose, relationships, and goals, along with important guidance and advice for the future. I now feel like I have gained a lot of clarity about who I am and my purpose in this lifetime along and it’s helped me understand why I have faced some of the important challenges on my life path which have been essential for my personal growth. Thank you Jane, you are truly an inspiration and I will definateley be recommending you to my friends!” KV, Tunbridge Wells
“I know Jane has found her vocation in life and I believe that we are blessed that Jane is using her talent and natural affinity with numerology to help others find theirs.
My first reading was in 2002, and I subsequently had my immediate family’s numbers read, and have on occasion, commissioned readings as birthday presents for friends.
Initially, I was startled at the accuracy of information revealed about my past; however Jane delivered this information in a caring and sensitive way that I felt completely safe with. As those truths unfolded I was confident that the information about my future would be accurate also. However, it makes me laugh now, the one piece of information I rejected, actually came true. Using Jane’s numerology I was able to get clarity on my life’s purpose and direction. Numerology has given me a greater understanding and awareness. It gave me the confirmation/permission that I needed and peace of mind knowing that I am on ‘universal’ track following my passion and vocation. Thank you Jane.
If you need some insight past present and future, Jane can certainly help you and I highly recommend her”.
KM, Switzerland
“Thank you for a very informative reading, providing insight into my past and present, whilst also providing food for thought regarding my future. A wonderful insight into ‘me’!. Jane you delivered my ‘very important information in a very compassionate and caring manner!” LL, Sandwich, Kent
“I was impressed with the accuracy of my reading. It helped me to realise that all the difficulties I have had in my life have been for good reason”. GJ, Tonbridge, Kent
“I was surprised by the accuracy of my reading, it gave me a real sense of peace, at being in the right place in my life. I feel calm when I think of what’s to come”. YB, Kings Hill, Kent
“Just a quick note to say thank you for the lovely morning you gave us – everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. I found it fascinating how the group melds together and the possible future collaborations! I knew the group was right but it helps to have confirmation”.
LR, Tonbridge, Kent
“I have already emailed a friend with your details, and there will be more!!! I am so impressed with the details and accuracy of my reading, it was wonderful. Thank you so much, it made real difference”. LM Staple, Kent
“Many thanks for the numerology reading yesterday. It was very interesting (and very accurate!) and I’m looking forward to having the CD and report so that I can take in more of the information. I’m feeling much clearer about the next step on my path, which is a great relief, so thank you for that”. PD, Sittingbourne
“Jane is clear in her communication. The reading gave me clarity in understanding my Soul Life path at a very difficult moment in my life. She is a kind and good listener”. MW Tunbridge Wells, Kent
“Thank you for your time and help on Sunday when you gave me my reading. As you probably gathered, I was totally impressed with your knowledge, enthusiasm and professional approach”. JA Broadstairs, Kent
“Jane you have given me greater clarity and purpose in life. You have helped me feel inspired with renewed faith, greater understanding and vision. You were spot on with the truth. Many thanks for your reading”. CD Hemel Hempstead
Dear Jane,
This is a big thank you.
I found your service out of the blue and called for an appointment there and then on my intuition.
Thank you for rearranging your busy schedule to give me a phone reading the next day !
I am going through a major problem in my life and your reading has given a vision of my long term future that gives me hope !
I would not have believed your future indications if you had not accurately reminded me of my past advents in my life so far !
I am very impressed with your knowledge and manor in delivering it !
I have already recommended you to several friends.
Thank you again.
Yours Sincerely,
PL, Maidstone, Kent
“We had a fantastic evening (with your numbers party), which was very informative and so accurate”. DH, Sittingbourne, Kent
“Your reading was exciting, informative and helpful. You made things clear in my relationships and why”. SJB, Sittingbourne, Kent
“Your numbers helped me to understand the importance of numbers, names and dates and how they affect us day to day”.
SEH, Sittingbourne, Kent
“Thank you for a very enjoyable, interesting and informative evening with your ‘numbers party’. Your insight into myself and my family members, using Numerology was uncanny”. KW Sittingbourne, Kent
“Your numerology reading was very interesting and ‘spot on’”. VW, Sittingbourne, Kent
“Thank you for the wonderful reading you gave me”. TM, Sittingbourne, Kent
“I discovered Numerology revealing my life’s Path. It showed my strengths and weaknesses and which direction to take. I now have a clearer picture of many areas of my life. Thank you. Jane”. DM, Kings Hill, Kent
“I have read the Report-very interesting and spot on I would say. I shall work at trying to improve my shortcomings and concentrate on achieving something in depth, which I know I find hard.
Thank you again for your inspiring consultation”. BM, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
“If ever you are unsure of the path you need to follow, I can highly recommend Jane for clarity and direction on knowing where to go”. GT, Rotherfield, Kent
“Jane’s interpretation and insight into my numbers was hugely liberating. Their accuracy was uncanny. Jane’s style of delivery was empathetic and full of energy”. TT, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
“Sometimes we all need something or someone to help us to look at things – our lives, our problems, our experiences, friends and family, differently, take a fresh perspective. Jane helped me to gain a new way of seeing my issues when she did a reading for me. Some of the things she raised were very familiar but in talking about it from a different perspective, I gained a new insight and was able to ‘let go’ of some of the more punishing aspects. It helped to hear my history being told in a completely different way. I would recommend anyone seeking a new perspective or perhaps some completely new insights to speak to Jane – it helped me”.
SS, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
“Thank you for taking the time to ‘go through my numbers’ with me. Everything you said was absolutely right and I am so grateful to finally find out what I am here for – it has given me such peace of mind”. SR, Polegate, East Sussex
“I have found Numerology readings very helpful, especially in understanding how members of my family and friends fit into my life etc. I have held four ‘Numerology Parties’ for friends and all who’ve attended have found them to be very helpful. Jane’s knowledge on what the numbers mean and how this relates to our past and present is very helpful. A lot of what Jane said about our families was so apt. I have had a few problems with a relative and Jane helped me to understand why, with her numbers – Jane’s answers to my questions were fascinating and they made such sense”. AJ, Uckfield, East Sussex
“I am shocked at the accuracy of everything that Jane said!” KH, Sittingbourne, Kent
“It was a perfect reading thanks and so informative” LS, Sittingbourne, Kent
“Your reading was amazing! Full of guidance and confirmation”. NH, Sittingbourne, Kent
“I’d just like to say thanks for the reading you gave me. It really rung true with what’s been happening to me recently and has given me a lot to think about and absorb”. KF, Sittingbourne, Kent
“After your presentation, I came away ‘gob-smacked’ by your knowledge and the outcome of how the numbers gave ‘the person’ – if you know somehow what I mean?! I know you also amazed the girls I brought with me and I have told those that were unable to come about what an evening they missed!” TM, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
“Hi Jane, your presentation provided me with a great insight and made a lot of sense. It’s a shame the modern world makes us loose contact with the things that help us. I’ve started to think in a different light since your presentation. Thanks for your insight”.
JB, Crowborough, East Sussex
“Thank you for giving me a reading at such short notice. Also thank you for being ‘frank’ with me about a very sensitive issue. I needed to know the truth”. DJ, Maidstone, Kent
“I was amazed at how accurate your reading was and it was also very interesting”. TN, Tunbridge Wells. Kent
“You hit the nail on the head on so many levels: – work, home + family and showed me a deeper understanding of what makes me tick + where my strengths lie – thank you”. JM, Sittingbourne, Kent
“Very intriguing and innovative reading – quite incisive too !” LW, Sittingbourne, Kent
“My reading was amazing” KS, Sittingbourne, Kent
“I was shocked at the accuracy of everything that Jane said !” KH, Sittingbourne, Kent
“Amazing insight. Thank you Jane!” RS, Sittingbourne, Kent
I found your report exciting as well as helpful”. JE, Uckfield East Sussex