Numerology for 26/ 09/ 2024

You may believe that practice makes perfect, and you may like everything to be done ‘properly’. Today however you may feel pushed into new territory and may have to go with the flow more than you would like. You may recognise a great opportunity to achieve success, through your creativity and communication skills, but you may also feel you will only succeed through your own efforts. You may feel ‘back at square one’ – full of ideas but doubting yourself. It may be important to make time to listen to others and re-evaluate. While your stubborn endurance is your great strength, don’t turn this against yoursef by rigidly analsing the detail and focussing on one way of doing things. Instead, focus on doing what you love to do and give yourself space. Believe in what you are doing and use your intuition as well as synchronicity. Do this, and great creativity as well as innovation could result with lots being generated …

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