There may be a great deal of emotion that you keep silent about, and your idealism may be a bit ahead of your reality. Your dreams may seem difficult to realise, but don’t give up on them, go into the quiet to find the message. Others may be trying to impose their way of thinking on you and while it is important you listen, especially if the guidance is practical. Be proud of your creative ideas but also recognise the danger of self-sabotage if you spend any time comparing yourself with others, feeling you don’t measure up and you are not good enough. Instead find your truth again and let others help you decide if your ideas are viable or practical. Try to feel grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focussed and connected to others, they also mean you are moving forward. Stay positive and learn to be patient, as well as practical and organised. You can then choose to freeze or flourish, be in the moment or in your dreams, focused on your next step or stuck.