Numerology for 21/ 05/ 2024

You may feel everything is coming to a head, to be dealt with, if so try to get the balance right by attending to small tasks as well as the big projects, ideally accepting help from others and getting some rest along the way. You may feel very unsettled, with a lot to say. If so, take a deep breath, remain polite and sensitive perhaps just focus on the essentials of what you want to achieve, dropping the martyrdom and ideally waking up to what is real and what is illusion. You may be in a hurry to change the world, but you won’t be able to do this on your own, working with others and bringing out the best in others is vital. It may help you to connect with the bigger picture and the long-term view, above all have faith in yourself and the universe. You don’t have to be in charge for it all to come right …

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