Your thoughts and plans may be detailed and far-reaching and you may be in it for the long haul. You may be very persistence and when things are not working out well, this can cause problems. You can make great demands on others as well as yourself, so you need to recognise when others are unable or unwilling to change and tailor your expectations accordingly. You may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone and may at times have to let go and trust, allowing regeneration to happen. At times like these it is important to see things as others do, try also to stay focussed rather than become scattered. Know also that you don’t have to be in charge for everything to come right. Rather than get caught up with feeling lots of emotion that you may find difficult to expressm consider the feelings of others before you speak and try to keep your words positive and constructive. You have an opportunity to learn a great deal, as you look from a new perspective and potentially work with others `