Margaret Thatcher was born on this day in 1925. Her starting point was 13/ 4 energy, and her Life Path was 40/13/4. The first letter of her name (the sound of which is carried through) is also the 13th letter. Margaret’s chart was dominated by this karmic number.
In terms of Numerology 13/ 4 represents transformation and rebirth, as great creativity (3) pushes against the unstoppable generator (1) and the existing structure (4) to transform things. This concentration of 4 energy while keeping her grounded and practical, can also result in rigid attitudes with too much focus on system and order. This can result in an unstoppable, formidable energy found within herself and manifested in her dauntless determination to make her plans a reality.
However misguided some may believe her energies to be, they were considerable, and she changed the UK forever.
Numerology for 13/ 10/ 2022
You pride yourself on your ability to deliver results and you can overcome any resistance through sheer guts and determination. You have a great need to relax and at times can find this near impossible. You can be much harder on yourself than others. You are a great organiser and can get frustrated if your ideas are not possible. Not everyone has the same drive as you and blaming others is the surest way to stay in a problem. Try to get past your fear of failure, the longest journey you will ever make is from your head to your heart …