As well as relentless determination, there may be lots of emotion and you can be your own worst enemy, either being strong and defiant or letting others bully you. While others may be trying to impose their thinking on you try to feel grateful to your obstacles, they keep you grounded focussed and connected to others, they also mean you are moving forward. Give yourself space and time to think in new ways and you may find obstacles galvanize you into action, helping you overcome your fear of uncertainty or your resistance to success. When you access your spirit and sense of faith, nothing is impossible.
All may benefit from you allowing yourself space and time for inspiration and new thinking.
The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).
The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).
Link to Newsletter below with further information.