Try not to be so focussed on your work that you make no time for people, try also not to be impatient and bad tempered with those who have no interest in your work. You are very sensitive but may mis-represent yourself with your intense focus. There may be obstacles but these are a great opportunity to work with others more, to see things from the perspective of others and to explore new ways of doing things. While you may be totally professional in your work and may be very comfortable up the front speaking for a cause you believe in. When speaking we repeat what we already know, but when listening we may learn something new and that can transform things. Always remember actions speak louder than words and your sensitivity is your greatest strength. Remember also that work is only part of your life, love, laughter and joy make life complete.
The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.
For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’