You can make a tremendous impact on those around you when you concentrate your energy. You study situations carefully and may come to conclusions which you communicate forcefully, but you are not always right. You can drive yourself to the limit trying to make everything perfect, when perhaps things are already as they should be. Know you always have a choice, but it is important you first listen to the wisdom of others as well as your own inner wisdom. If you feel pushed into new experience, trust your inner voice and allow this to guide you, however sceptical and impatient you may feel. Your stubborn endurance is a great strength, but don’t turn it against yourself.
With your great breadth of vision try to stay focussed on where you want to get to and try not to just see the obstacles. Beware of glamour and ‘quick fixes’ – accept change and responsibility, while acknowledging just how sensitive you are.
The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8).
The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).
Link to Newsletter below with further information.