Category: Numerology for Words
Creativity and change born of emotion as the existing structure fills with light …
In terms of Numerology, the motivation here is to re-evaluate (8) how best to help others (9). We may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone (18/ 9), but a new year is about to start, potentially full of new beginnings and new opportunities.
Continue reading “CHRISTMAS”Santa Claus
Great potential for harmony laughter, joy and co-operative ventures here.
The motivation is to take responsibility for harmony and love to prevail (6), as we take the journey from the head (5) to the heart (6).
Initially wiĺl (1) may be driving emotion (2) and there is the potential for the ‘little princess’ to emerge, wanting all the sparkle and to be the centre of attention (21/ 3).
But by thinking in new ways (15/ 6) there is the potential for the love wisdom (2) to come in to influence the will (1) and for truly co-operative ventures and joy to result (12/ 3).
The motivation here is to inspire everyone to think in new ways (11/ 2) with a journey from the head (5) to the heart (6). This may require a great deal of re-evaluation (8) but ultimately this is about the correct use of power (19/ 10/ 1).
Transformation Tuesday
You may feel pushed into blind experience here to find your truth.
Continue reading “Transformation Tuesday”Numerology for the words Time & Space
Our ‘Date of Birth’ can be defined as a moment when time and space truly connect – a cross in time and space that becomes our starting point.
Time is a manmade measure, both linear and flat. It is a way of ordering events in the past, present and future.
Space can be defined as a continuous expanse, the size and magnitude of which is still beyond our comprehension.
It’s only natural that we compartmentalise, to make manageable that which we cannot comprehend.
9 5 Urge of Soul = 14/ 5
2 4 Personality = 6/ 6
Overall Self Expression = 20/ 11/ 2
TIME has the letter T at the front; this 2 energy can be represented by the second Tarot card, ‘The High Priestess’, which is about going beyond the veil into the mystery.
The 2 takes us into the mystery, brings in duality and helps us to see the detail as well as the much bigger picture. Ultimately, in time the 2 helps us to be a channel with great breadth of vision, catching a glimpse of all that is beyond intellect and focussing on the bigger picture not just the detail. The 20 in the ‘Overall Self Expression’ elevates the 2, brings in space and potential for wholeness. The key aspect of the 11/ 2 is the space that comes from the will (1) to go into the mystery (2). (Overall Self Expression for the word TIME = 20/ 11/ 2).
The ‘Soul Urge’ or ‘Motivation’ that comes from the word TIME (14/ 5) is all about breaking out of the box (4) or manmade limitations – using will (1), mind (5) and your 5 senses to find your truth in amongst the vastness of space.
The Personality (6) that comes from the word TIME represents the potential for spirit and matter to come together, for us to uncoil to become a cup for spirit, to see the beauty without the perfection of everything being compartmentalised and symmetrical.
As spiritual beings, having a very physical experience, each molecule around us and within us contains the universe. Spirit and matter potentially can come together within us when past, present and future align in a moment that pierces eternity. In these moments time stands still, as we break through the man made constraints of time, to pierce eternity. Moments such as these can be moments that we carry with us forever.
1 5 Urge of Soul = 6/ 6
1 7 3 Personality = 11/ 2
Overall Self Expression = 17/ 8
The word SPACE starts with 1, the dynamic will and unstoppable generator that can carry on forever, ultimately connecting us with great spirituality (7) and potentially causing great re-evaluation (8) as we seek to find and live our truth. (OSE, Overall Self Expression for the word SPACE = 17/ 8).
The ‘Soul Urge’ or ‘Motivation’ that comes from the word SPACE represents the potential for spirit and matter to come together, for us to uncoil and become a cup for spirit, connecting with a vastness and magnitude which is beyond our comprehension.
The Personality (11/ 2) that comes from the word SPACE gives us the potential to channel this understanding, existing in the eternity of every moment and connecting with the great universe of spirituality within us.
(Please note that the above images and numbers are further explained in the Free Numerology Guide that can be downloaded from the home page of this website).
© 2022 Copyright Jane Alton