In terms of Numerology, the motivation here is to re-evaluate (8) and ideally respond differently, as everything may be brought to the surface to be looked at. (26/ 8 represents ‘Lord Karma’ in Numerology).
When looking for truth it is only natural that we start our search by looking outside of ourselves. We may come to know ourselves by how our environment responds to us.
For many of us, our investigation may include the search engine ‘Google’. Looking at this word in terms of Numerology: –
6 6 5 17/ 8 = Soul Urge or Motivation GOOGLE 7 73 17/ 8 = Personality or ‘What the world sees’
34/16/ 7 = Overall Self Expression (OSE)
The 17/ 8 of the Soul Urge and Personality, represents seeking out the truth, wanting to get to the bottom of things. This number also represents ‘God and his creature’ or someone in the darkness of the mineral kingdom (1) connecting with spirit (7). The 7 in Numerology can represent ‘the magician’ as the 7 contains the 3 & 4, the blueprint or the original idea (3) and the potential to build something from this (4)
The 34 of the OSE represents new structures (4) evolving naturally from the blueprint or the original idea (30/ 3), with the potential to scatter energy or to ‘shine for other’s’. The subsequent 16/ 7 represents the mind in action and is the ultimate mirror, reflecting back images of ourselves in our relationships. This number can also represent great transience and change as we take responsibility for our behaviour towards others (6) and are encouraged down a spiritual path (7).
The 16th card in Tarot (Tarot comes from Numerology), is The Tower being struck by lightning and coming down … The Tower embodying our beliefs, values and goals in life.
The journey from our head to our heart may be the longest journey any of us ever make.
We can see from the above diagram how the words ‘Head’, ‘Heart’ and ‘Love’ are connected in terms of Numerology. We perhaps know from personal experience that when love is involved with whatever we are doing, it will work.
When our head works with our heart, and with love, we can feel passionate about what we are doing. Expansive, creative thinking can result, and we can feel energised …
When there is resistance to where we are and what we are doing, our head can become separate from our heart. We may ‘go through the motions’, but our heart is no longer in what we are doing. Working just from our head, rigid /limiting mindsets can continue to be reinforced and perpetuated. As a result, and we can find ourselves stuck, going round and round in circles, reacting in the same way, repeating these same pattens and creating the same outcomes … this can be draining and exhausting.
There are of course times when we must focus on the practicalities of life for our survival (and perhaps for the survival of those we love). Responding in a different way can be difficult, as many mindsets are subconscious and have been built up and reinforced over many generations. We may also be surrounded by people who agree with our choices and encourage them.
When we look at the word ‘Head’ in terms of numerology (as illustrated above), we can see this is made up of 3s. In numerology 3 represents active intelligence, and the first complete cycle, ‘The Trinity/ the blueprint/ the plan’. In terms of numerology, everything comes from the 3.
3 expresses creativity, turning raw feelings (2), onto great ideas (3). 3 encourages a feeling that ‘anything is possible’, but the 3 has to have the raw feelings (2), to work with and these can only come from the heart and from love.
When we look at the words ‘Head’ and ‘Love’ (above) …
The words ‘Water’ and ‘Mind’ have similar vibrations in terms of Numerology and can both be seen as master builders (22) who can bring about the transformation of existing structures (13/ 4).
Interesting how victory and victim have such similar vibrations … Both have the potential to transform everything (13/ 4) and the V at front (the 22nd letter) can mean great inner strength.
But Victory is about transforming everything by building something solid with love (22/ 4, the master builder), while 18/ 9 here is re-evaluating (8) how best to help humanity.
The victim can be at war with themselves, all that amazing creativity (3) can mean going from stable to unstable with the 18/ 9 here potentially holding on to a structure that has gone, while trying to build something solid …
‘Heech in a Cage’ by Iranian artist Parviz Tanavoli (currently housed in The British Museum).This work brings to life the Persian word Heech which means ‘nothing’.