When looking for truth it is only natural that we start our search by looking outside of ourselves. We may come to know ourselves by how our environment responds to us.
For many of us, our investigation may include the search engine ‘Google’.
Looking at this word in terms of Numerology: –
6 6 5 17/ 8 = Soul Urge or Motivation
7 73 17/ 8 = Personality or ‘What the world sees’
34/16/ 7 = Overall Self Expression (OSE)
The 17/ 8 of the Soul Urge and Personality, represents seeking out the truth, wanting to get to the bottom of things. This number also represents ‘God and his creature’ or someone in the darkness of the mineral kingdom (1) connecting with spirit (7).
The 7 in Numerology can represent ‘the magician’ as the 7 contains the 3 & 4, the blueprint or the original idea (3) and the potential to build something from this (4)
The 34 of the OSE represents new structures (4) evolving naturally from the blueprint or the original idea (30/ 3), with the potential to scatter energy or to ‘shine for other’s’.
The subsequent 16/ 7 represents the mind in action and is the ultimate mirror, reflecting back images of ourselves in our relationships. This number can also represent great transience and change as we take responsibility for our behaviour towards others (6) and are encouraged down a spiritual path (7).
The 16th card in Tarot (Tarot comes from Numerology), is The Tower being struck by lightning and coming down … The Tower embodying our beliefs, values and goals in life.