You may feel pulled in different directions wanting freedom despite the limitations, wanting to help humanity but wanting to help yourself too. You may be sensitive to any form of exploitation and may be prepared to push yourself to the limits, embracing change, to get to where you want. You may be a great organiser, with the potential to influence others. You may insist on doing things your way but may benefit more from loosening up and feeling gratitude for where you are now, at least for the moment. Try to keep things simple and light, don’t let ambition dictate your life and steal your joy. Life’s a journey not a destination, it’s also about listening as well as speaking, building the inner temple and not just about building on the outside. The longest journey you may ever make is from your head to your heart.
Category: Daily Summary
Numerology for 07/ 06/ 2022
Be grateful to obstacles, they can keep you grounded, focussed, and connected to others. Obstacles also mean you are moving forward and can stop you from being pulled in different directions. You may be a fighter but try not to be resistant to change and try not to be so dependent on your audience. There is great value in silence and getting to the bottom of things can help you to transform everything …
Numerology for 06/ 06/ 2022
You are full of ideas and amazingly creative but may be distracted by domestic matters. You may be overprotective towards your loved ones, who need to be free to make their own mistakes. Coming out of your comfort zone may bring up lots of emotion but listening to your emotions may also bring forth revelations. It may help all concerned, especially yourself if you share your ideas with others more and give yourself permission to rest. You like to do things in your own way and may be waiting for the perfect time to focus on your ideas but working with others more may bring in new ideas as well as laughter and joy. So, while keeping your feet firmly on the ground, allow yourself and others the freedom that is so needed.
Numerology for 05/ 06/ 2022
Get a handle on your energy and try to simplify your thoughts. You may need to slow down a bit to be more grounded and focussed – to make sure everyone is with you. You are a great organiser and your enthusiasm is wonderful, but your approach needs to be more measured and thoughtful. Take a chance, meet people eye to eye and truly listen to others. Develop a strong sense of your own identity, otherwise you can get lost in someone else’s life. As much as possible, try to put yourself in the driving seat, stepping away from the drama to consider and choose how you respond, rather than letting the environment dictate how you feel and what you do. The longest journey you will ever make is from your head to your heart.
Numerology for 04/ 06/ 2022
You may have a very quick, focused mind and can be very sceptical and critical of others. You are not afraid both to stand alone and to ‘muck in’ when your help is needed. You may be focused on bringing in new ways of doing things but may feel overwhelmed by the amount of change you are witnessing. If you feel you are not being listened to, take the time to truly listen to listen to your inner voice as well as to others. Try to see things as others do and not to come on in such a rush. There can be great value in silence and doing nothing, as you take time to e-evaluate and take stock.
Numerology for 03/ 06/ 2022
You can be an inspirational speaker, but you also like to follow your own plans and you don’t allow much space for compromise. Today it may be help you greatly if you try to be more lucid and diplomatic in your approach. Beware of over confidence and manipulation – you can’t talk your way out of every situation. You hate to be ignored, but in trying to get a reaction from others, you may get more than you bargained for. Remember silence can speak volumes and acknowledge just how sensitive you are. Try not to take anything personally, instead stay focussed, grounded and connected to others. Communications from the heart to the heart are truly listened to.
Numerology for 02/ 06/ 2022
It may seem to others’ that you thrive on difficulties as you may appear never defeated, always thinking in terms of new beginnings. Even though you may feel pushed out of your comfort zone, it seems nothing will dampen your enthusiasm. Today however you may find that you feel very unsettled, wanting security and stability but needing freedom, there may also be a great deal of emotion that you find difficult to express. Your natural inner strengths may help your greatly and it may be key that you listen to others, as well as your inner voice. You may feel overwhelmed, but also forced into action and ‘freeze or flourish’ may be the order of the day. If so, give yourself space and time to think in new ways and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you.
Numerology for 01/ 06/ 2022
There may be a great deal of transience and change swirling around you today. If so, try to stay true to yourself at the deepest level and try not to get caught up in lots of emotion. Forget society’s values for a while and what is expected of you, instead try to stay focussed on your unique way of communicating, transforming things in your own unique way. Be grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded focussed and connected to others, they give you an opportunity to express your great creativity, they also mean you are moving forward.
Numerology for 31/ 05/ 2022
You may have a relentless determination to build something solid, you may feel other’s despair and want to transform things. Today may feel like a turning point as a decision may have to be made and you may be feeling exhausted. You may come to realise that your health must come first as you can’t help others if you are running on empty. You may also come to realise that you can’t impose your beliefs on others and as a result may choose to conserve your energy. It may be important that you acknowledge just how sensitive you are and look your emotional problems squarely in the eye, soften your hard edges and try to focus on finding peace within. In the process of realising your ideals try to avoid arguments – they are a waste of your energy. Find the harmony within and this will surround you.
Numerology for 30/ 05/ 2022
You may want success through your creativity and communication skills, but may also want to stir things up at a profound level to bring about change. You may feel unsettled, wanting security and stability as well as freedom. There may be opportunities to freeze or to flourish and it may be important you stay focussed on where you want to get to, despite the distractions. Balance and moderation in all things may be key for you. Listen also and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you