Numerology for 18/ 07/ 2022

You may have great will power and may be very competitive. There may be lots of emotion as well as determination regarding your dreams. It may be important you don’t lose yourself in your work and that you retain your great sensitivity, allowing others to express themselves fully. Even if others are trying to impose their thinking on you, stay confident of your abilities at a deep level to transform things, for yourself and others. Necessity is the mother of invention and a way forward will be found if you can stay focussed and grounded.

Numerology for 17/ 07/ 2022

You may want to get to the bottom of things and may find yourself questioning everything. There can be frustration as things may not be working out quite as you had planned and you can be quite ruthless about getting what you want. Your emotions may rule the waves of your determination and great creativity may result. Try to get past your fear of failure and let yourself laugh, it is all about the journey not the destination.

Numerology for 16/ 07/ 2022

Express your feelings don’t repress them, truly listen to your inner voice as well as what is being said around you. Trust your feelings and emotions – it is your passionate energy that sets you apart. If conflicts arise between your reasoning side and your emotional side it may help you a great deal to meditate on this, otherwise you could be all over the place. You have ideas, but you may doubt yourself and you may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone. You may be very ambitious and a great organiser, but there may be a great deal of emotion you find difficult to express. The longest journey you will ever make is from your head to your heart and this may start by you going into the quiet to find your truth and your vision again … You may have to fight for the space and time to do this, but do this … it will be worth it  …

Numerology for 15/ 07/ 2022

There may be obstacles and you may find yourself having to respond in new ways. If you want to build a new world based on your truth, you may find you have to start with the courage to be yourself and do things in your own way, ideally, developing your creativity and inspiration. The attitude ‘Who dares Wins’ may also help you greatly. Acceptance of practical, perpetual service may be how you operate, but you may also have to stay positive as you embrace change and potentially rethink perfection. Whatever you decide to do, hang on in there … Change is guaranteed, and change can be good.

Numerology for 14/ 07/ 2022

You may think in unconventional ways and may be impatient to make your ideas real. You can be very convincing when you speak, but don’t be so sure you know what is right for others. It may be more important right now to take time to get to connect with your inner wisdom and allow this to guide you. This may help you to connect you with others and to help you to be more at ease with yourself. Things may be coming up to be dealt with and you may find focussing on the task in front of you has to take priority.

Numerology for 13/ 07/ 2022

There may be obstacles and there may have to ‘get real’ about dealing with them. You may be very sensitive to the suffering of others and may want to speak for causes you believe in, to act for others. At the same time although you may doubt yourself, you may have to get past your disappointment and frustration when others do not respond as you would like, to go with some of your ideas. In your heart you may feel this is the right time to take advantage of an opportunity. Trust your feelings and those you love will have to trust your risk-taking instincts. When you make your move – give it all you’ve got. You can dare to fail when truly respecting your life.

Numerology for 12/ 07/ 2022

You may be a master of persuasion, but you don’t have to win every argument. You may have brilliant ideas but not everyone will be ready for them so you won’t be able to take everyone with you as you would like. Your greatest teachers can be the people in your world that you profoundly disagree with. So, try to be sensitive to the needs and wishes of others and learn to back off occasionally. Rather than put energy into frustration, perhaps focus on taking action yourself, rather than persuading others to do so, ideally taking time to go into the quiet and reflect first.

Numerology for 11/ 07/ 2022

You may be very observant and a great persuader. You may pride yourself for being very much ‘in the know’ and very decisive, potentially pushing through to transform things. However, it may also be important that you see your great sensitivity as the strength it is, making time to listen to others and see things as others do.

Numerology for 10/ 07/ 2022

You may feel it’s time to get out there and live your truth … It may be clear to you what needs to change, but it may be important you take time to listen to others and try to see things as others do first. There may be a side to you that likes to stay on the side lines, judging from afar and another side to you that may allow the words to pour out of you. These all too easy options may isolate you and offer you a false sense of security. Practise setting limits and you may find you have enough space to express yourself, so finding freedom despite the limitations.

Numerology for 09/ 07/ 2022

You may feel frustrated as others may be imposing their way of thinking on you, and you may feel beset by obstacles. You may feel stuck, but try not to be discouraged, instead stay grounded and focussed on where you want to get to. You are not defined by how other people see you, what matters is how you see yourself and that you retain your inner feeling of self-worth. You may have to toughen your stance as you try not to be so sensitive. It is important you find your passion again as the world needs your wonderful ideas. Co-operating with others may help you to see things as they do, accepting change and responsibility. It doesn’t have to be you against the world …  It’s your inner wonders that count …