Numerology for 07/ 08/ 2022

This may be a very creative time and you may be very generous, there is also a danger you may be giving too much and running on empty. You may like to be the centre of attention, but this may also mean you may scatter energy, trying to make everyone happy and trying to be all things to all people. Take time to see things as others do and co-operate with others more. Truly listen before speaking, keep your words clear and simple. Try to conserve and focus your considerable energies. Truly help yourself first, so you can better help others.

Numerology for 06/ 08/ 2022

There may be drama today, as you swing between needing to focus on the practical and needing the freedom to explore. You may be aware of the power of the spiritual, but you may also feel deeply cynical and sceptical. You may be extremely ambitions and be an inspirational speaker, but you may benefit greatly from co-operating with others more and seeing your intuition and sensitivity as the great strength it is. Listen to your inner voice and try to find your centre again. Choose your words carefully today, the right word at the right time may make a huge difference. If faced with the need to compromise, try to see things as others do and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you. Know that with the right frame of mind you will be able to find freedom despite the limitations, with laughter and joy too. You have a choice every moment …

Numerology for 05/ 08/ 2022

You may carry out your decisions with great emotional control, staying cool and unflappable. You may see a great potential that no one else seems to see and can cut yourself off to focus on this, but you may be sitting on a volcano. You have great opportunities to transform things if you can take time out to re-evaluate. Learn to value kindness and to express your feelings in a constructive way. If you love what you do, there is the potential to turn things around, but in the process you may have to be shaken to move from stable to unstable and to let go of the old structure.  Your instinct may be to hide but there may be great opportunities here for growth and change …

Numerology for 04/ 08/ 2022

You may be trying to build something solid, based on your beliefs, in the midst of constant movement. Not everyone will be receptive to your ideas, and you have a choice, you can either feel overwhelmed and freeze or go with the flow and physically ‘get stuck in’. Either way, despite your great impatience and need to do things in your own way, try to stay focused on where you want to get to. You may find that mastering your emotions and working in more subtle ways, helps you greatly. If you take the decision to speak your truth rather than say what others want to hear, try to be tactful, seeing things as others do. Try to channel your rebelliousness in a positive direction and work with others more. Being considerate of others, may also mean you are less likely to be ignored.

Numerology for 03/ 08/ 2022

You may hate the mundane and may dream of another life. You may feel frustrated and unsettled as a consequence, especially if things aren’t happening as quickly as you would like. You may have great emotional control and it may just be your cutting comments that give others a clue as to how you are really feeling. It may be important that you give yourself space to be open to new ways of thinking, as it’s through change on the inside that your environment will truly change. Watch your temper and with both feet firmly on the ground, reach for the stars but try also to do this with a more practical and realistic perspective. Take time also to decide what you truly want.

Numerology for 02/ 08/ 2022

The courage to be yourself may be key for you, but it may also be key that you listen to others and keep your words as simple as possible, keeping misunderstandings to a minimum. Take the decision to cooperate with others more, being as versatile as possible, while maintaining your idealism and creativity, and inspiration could result. You can be very stubborn, and you don’t like anyone telling you how to do things, but try to stay open to new thinking, with the attitude, Who Dares Wins”. Give everything your personal, unmistakeable stamp, embracing change while remaining yourself. See your great sensitivity as the strength it is and make time to be a bit more easy-going with yourself and others …

Numerology for 01/ 08/ 2022

You may have a gift for seeing your world in a crystal-clear fashion and understanding the fundamental nature of things, but you can bring out the best in others as well as the worst. If you are holding onto a structure that has gone, now might be a good time to let go with love and embrace the new. Whatever you decide to do, it is important you acknowledge just how sensitive you are and truly listen to others. Rather than put energy into frustration, recognise everything evolves in cycles and that you always have a choice in how you respond. It may help all concerned if you if you could view obstacles in a more positive way. Obstacles mean you are moving forward and give you an opportunity to work with others in a new ways, potentially finding new solutions together.

Numerology for 31/ 07/ 2022

It may be a time for action not just words if you are to get to the bottom of things. You may also have to ‘get real’ about your plans and stay focussed on what you regard as your truth. You may find that if you share your insights, the resulting communications could be very positive and may result in a breakthrough. It is your intention that counts, so don’t get stuck feeling sorry for yourself, move on. Endurance may be required, so take a deep breathe also before responding.  

Numerology for 30/ 07/ 2022

You may be very decisive, and the words can pour out of you. You may like to be seen as in charge but may find it is key that you listen before you speak and that you drop the martyrdom. Try instead to embrace change by being open and accepting of new ideas and new ways of doing things. Understand that despite your plans and however brightly your light may shine for others, you may have to trust that life will move you where you are needed. If you feel forced into action, go with the flow, know that but if your heart is in what you are doing, there is great potential for intuition, synchronicity, and transformation.

Numerology for 29/ 07/ 2022

There may be a fear of not being good enough and you may be feeling very sensitive. Although there may be a side to you that wants to be on your own, friends who encourage you could make a huge difference today. Rather than feel frustrated that things are not as you would like them to be, work with what you’ve got, dedicating everything to the higher good. Helping others may help you to realise just how strong you are and just how much can be achieved working together.