Try to stay inspired and in touch with the much bigger picture, spend no time comparing yourself to others and feeling you do not fit in and that you are not good enough. Your control is admirable, but so is spontaneity. Try to loosen up and laugh at your foibles and faults. Be open to new thinking and new ideas, focus on inner change and transformation. Don’t lose sight of where you want to get to, just try a different route. Focus on taking positive action and trying something new, rather than planning in detail and getting frustrated. Ideally make the journey from your head to your heart, then get stuck in dealing with reality.
Category: Daily Summary
Numerology for 29/ 11/ 2022
You may feel great responsibility towards your work and may be determined to get to the bottom of things, but by staying so focussed you may have a knack for provoking others even though you truly care. Sometimes it may be a good idea to reserve your judgements, learn to stand aside and observe without expressing your opinion. Not everyone wants to be thinking in new ways and you may achieve a great deal more working as part of a team, focussing together on what is viable and practical.
Numerology for 28/ 11/ 2022
The courage to truly be yourself and do things in your own way, may be important for you and may bring up lots of emotion, particularly if you are working with others, more than you would like. You may feel it’s necessary to defend your beliefs. The resulting combination of aggression and sensitivity may leave you feeling exhausted. If so, conserve your energy and allow yourself a break. Rather than feel despair, drop the martyrdom, and take time to see things as others do. Let this be a turning point.
Numerology for 27/ 11/ 2022
You may feel forced into decisive action, to get to the bottom of things. If so, you need to ensure you make time to listen to others. You may feel sensitive and frustrated if your unconventional thinking is not appreciated and may feel that the survival of your truth is critical. To get over this, drop the martyrdom and try to focus on the job in hand. Try not to put energy into pushing your feelings and your creativity down, instead try to control the hurricane inside, guiding its power constructively. Slow down and look at the whole picture, find the harmony within and this will surround you. Don’t let today be a series of spurts and stops, instead focus on breaking through.
Numerology for 26/ 11/ 2022
You have your own way of doing things and can be very practical, as well as imaginative and idealistic. You may want to bring in new thinking and can be very decisive as well as manipulative, particularly if you don’t like the way things are being done. We can all become prisoners of a set way of thinking, and you may be more normal than you think. So, develop your creativity and inspiration, by listening to others and perhaps allowing yourself to go with the flow more, open to the potential for synchronicity and intuition. Your way of doing things is not the only way.
Numerology for 25/ 11/ 2022
Despite great ups and downs, you may be determined to save your energy for the long haul, and you may also know how to make things happen. No matter how dynamic the activity, your energy flows smoothly and the thoughtful quiet side to your personality always comes through. Know you have the potential to heal and to inspire others to think in whole new ways’ if you can change some patterns within yourself and get past your resistance to change.
Numerology for 24/ 11/ 2022
Today may be a great day to talk business, especially if you are passionate about what you are doing, as you may have the potential to inspire yourself and others to think in new ways. To do this however, you may have to truly listen to others and see things as they do. You may also have to carefully consider the words you use, keeping them clear and simple. This combination may take you out of your comfort zone as you may be a perfectionist, with a unique perspective, who is ruthless about getting what you want, words also may also pour out of you, as you can be very impatient and deep down, you may want to stir everything up at the deepest level to bring about change. Just for today, it may help all concerned if you try to be more forgiving of yourself and others. Try also to encourage and embrace new thinking and change together, for yourself and others …
Numerology for 23/ 11/ 2022
You have your plans and may know what you want to happen. You may have decided on action but may feel beset with obstacles, as other people trying to impose their thinking on you. However frustrating and humiliating it may seem, it may be important that you respectively listen and keep your words clear and simple. Don’t repeat yourself and try not to put energy into frustration. Get a handle on your reactions – don’t let others push your buttons, particularly those in authority. You have a wonderful sense of humour, which can diffuse potentially explosive situations and save the day for you. You are expansive and can be visionary idealistic and inspirational, but you can also be extremely impatient and easily influenced. You may doubt yourself at a profound level and may be deeply sensitive. If so, trust there is great wisdom in your feelings and emotions – they are your greatest strength … Hands off and let things happen when the time is right … Obstacles mean you are moving forward, and it may be important you find solutions together that work for everyone …
Numerology for 22/ 11/ 2022
You may want to focus on taking care of others and making them happy. You may also want to inspire everyone to think in new ways, but you may have to learn to work quietly behind the scenes, to achieve your ends. You cannot impose your beliefs on others, and you are not going to save everyone. Stay positive and attend to your own personal needs – you cannot hold it together and help others if you are running on empty, so maybe let the world get along without you, while you focus on what fills you back up ….
Numerology for 21/ 11/ 2022
You have a natural grace and elegance in your movements but may have great difficulty expressing yourself. This may result in you feeling very frustrated, as your image may be important to you and in trying to maintain this, there is a danger you could close yourself off from chance happenings and fun, in your quest for perfection. There is a danger you may spend time comparing yourself with others, feeling you don’t measure up and that you’re not good enough when it is your uniqueness that is your greatest gift to the world. Rather than put energy into pushing your feelings down, try opening up to your emotions and sensitivity, push through to truly be yourself. Try to put yourself in the driving seat by choosing how you respond, rather than have the environment dictate how you feel and what you do. Have faith in yourself and give yourself the freedom to be your true authentic self.