There is a danger that you put other people first and give so much that you may have to fight to reclaim your independence. Don’t let the perfectionist side to you mean you feel you have to do everything yourself to ensure it is done ‘properly’. Learn to delegate without worrying. Working with others could help you to rediscover your passion and bring in new ways of working that help you to make your ideas a reality. Otherwise, you may remain planning but not taking the action for yourself, but always putting others first. Give yourself space to think in new ways, get past your need for perfection and you may realise just how creative you are.
Category: Daily Summary
Numerology for 02/ 12/ 2024
You have lots of ideas and lots to say, but you may be very up and down with emotion. If so, try not to be so volatile and intense, watch your temper and go with the flow more. You like to do things in your own way and can be very ambitious and creative, but you also value the importance of teamwork, friendship, and laughter. It may be important you stay positive, grounded, and focussed as much as possible. Try also to be more patient and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you. Take time to reflect and try to be less judgemental, your enormous sensitivities may make you totally reactive and may cause confusion.
Numerology for 01/ 12/ 2024
Initially there may be obstacles, and you may feel sceptical, but as the day progresses today may start to see things from a completely different perspective. Initially you may feel overwhelmed and not know where to start. But roll your sleeves up, get stuck in and with patience as well as a more diplomatic approach, your singlemindedness may pay off. Compromise and co-operative ventures could make all the difference, but time on your own may be needed beforehand, to get a handle on your energy and to encourage you to think in new ways.
Numerology for 30/ 11/ 2024
Try to stay inspired and in touch with the much bigger picture, spend no time comparing yourself to others and feeling you do not fit in and that you are not good enough. Your control is admirable, but so is spontaneity. Try to loosen up and laugh at your foibles and faults. Be open to new thinking and new ideas, focus on inner change and transformation. Don’t lose sight of where you want to get to, just try a different route. Focus on taking positive action and trying something new, rather than planning in detail. Ideally make the journey from your head to your heart, then get stuck in dealing with reality.
Numerology for 29/ 11/ 2024
You may be determined to stay focussed and to get to the bottom of things, in amongst lots of ups and downs. But by staying so focussed you may have a knack for provoking others even though you truly care. Sometimes it may be a good idea to reserve your judgements, learn to stand aside and observe without expressing your opinion. Not everyone wants to be thinking in new ways, and you may achieve a great deal more working as part of a team, focussing together on what is viable and practical.
Numerology for 28/ 11/ 2024
The courage to truly be yourself and do things in your own way, may be important to you and may bring up lots of emotion, particularly if you are working with others, more than you would like. You may feel you need a break and time to do things in your own way. Take time to see things as others do and a happy compromise may be found.
Numerology for 27/ 11/ 2024
You may feel inspired and be quick on your feet, as well as very impulsive. You may also be looking for perfection and may be very impatient, as well as emotional. It may be key that you focus on understanding yourself a bit better, by listening to your inner voice as well as to others. Don’t take it personally if your inspired thinking is not appreciated or understood by others. Try not to put energy into pushing your feelings and your creativity down, instead try to control the hurricane inside, guiding its power constructively. Slow down and look at the whole picture, while trying to focus on the job in hand. Don’t let today be a series of spurts and stops, instead focus on seeking out your truth and finding the courage to be yourself, potentially breaking through on your terms, as a pioneer into new territory.
Numerology for 26/ 11/ 2024
You have your own way of doing things and can be very practical, as well as imaginative and idealistic. You may want to bring in new thinking and can be very decisive in your actions, as well as manipulative, particularly if you don’t like the way things are being done. We can all become prisoners of a set way of thinking, and you may be more normal than you think. Perhaps focus on listening to others, as well as your own inner voice, while remaining true to your authentic self.
Numerology for 25/ 11/ 2024
Despite great ups and downs, you may be determined to save your energy for the long haul, and you may also know how to make things happen. No matter how dynamic the activity, try to make space and time away from the drama to get to the bottom of things, reconnecting with your essential truth, to establish yourself independently. Allow your energy to flow smoothly, let the thoughtful quiet side of your personality come through. Know you have the potential to heal and to inspire others, if you can change some patterns within yourself and get past your resistance to change. Listen and keep your words clear and simple.
Numerology for 24/ 11/ 2024
Find your passion and learn to love your uniqueness. Take the plunge, think in terms of ‘sink or swim’ and you may be inspired by your own creativity. You may find you are generating a great deal, but this may take you out of your comfort zone, as you may be very sensitive, as well as impatient and ruthless about getting what you want. Just for today, it may help all concerned, if you stay focussed on your goal, but allow yourself also to go with the flow, trusting your intuition and being open to the potential of synchronicity. Listen to others also and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you.