Numerology for 04/ 07/ 2023

You may be proud of the group you represent, and your roots may be important to you, but you remain beholden to only yourself. You have the potential to inspire yourself and others to think in new ways, even though along the way you may have become disillusioned. If so, try not to focus on what has been, your past does not define you and you are not moving in that direction, so stay focused on where you want to get to. Even if things don’t seem to be happening fast enough, try to stay focused on what you love and connected to the bigger picture, not taking anything personally. The wisdom and truth you are looking for is inside you.

Numerology for 03/ 07/ 2023

It may be important to you that you finally decide to be yourself and do things in your own way. You may be waiting for the perfect time and may prefer to observe from the side lines, but today may be about taking action to get to the bottom of things. Life is to be lived not observed and commentated on, so try to get on with the living bit and step out from the shadows. You often go that extra mile for others and take your responsibilities seriously, this is admirable, but don’t give up on your efforts to be recognised – you are in a league of your own.

Numerology for 02/ 07/ 2023

You may be extremely sensitive, with great depth of feeling and this can mean you feel pulled in many directions. You hate confrontation and would rather hide away, but at the same time you may be very reactive, and the words may pour out of you. It may be key that you take time to reflect before responding, listen to your inner voice as well as to others. You need to be loved, but do not change yourself to be liked, instead speak your truth with love and compassion. Connect with the bigger picture rather than get caught up in the detail.

Numerology for 01/ 07/ 2023

Don’t be afraid to stand alone and live your truth, your friends and supporters will join you and help may come from unexpected places. Accept change and responsibility for actions that may help you to make your plans a reality and transform things. You may have to lose something to gain something, but never allow anyone to walk all over you. Acknowledge what you truly desire and go for it – even if this you will takes you into new territory. Truly listen to others and learn to take as well as give. There may be a great deal of emotion you find difficult to express, but your sensitivity is still your greatest strength.

Numerology for 30/ 06/ 2023

Despite your detailed planning and your gift with words, you may feel you have taken on too much responsibility and may have to fight your exhaustion to stay focussed. New thinking may be required if you are to push through and make your plans a reality. You may feel very motivated, as you may want to provide for everyone. You are also very sensitive, with great compassion and may want to nurture others in your own creative way. Believe in yourself but don’t get caught up in your own self-importance, allow space and time for intuition and synchronicity, allow your natural inner strengths to come to the fore, allow yourself to be guided.

Numerology for 29/ 06/ 2023

You may feel pushed into action and overwhelmed by emotion all at the same time, there may also be a fear of failure/ rejection/endings. Despite your great impatience, it may be important that you take time to re-evaluate before acting. Bit by bit you may be able to inspire others with your words, but you can’t impose your opinions on others. Ideally connect with spirit to find your truth and your message. It is through spirit that true freedom can always be found. Others may also forget your words, but always remember how you make them feel, so allow your great sensitivity to initiate your actions also.

Numerology for 28/ 06/ 2023

Finding the courage to be yourself may be important to you today. This may mean going into the quiet and truly finding yourself again. There may be lots of distractions and you may want to be the centre of attention, anything rather than look within. You may be putting emotion before reason and may feel very unsettled, wanting to stir things up at a profound level to bring about change. You may find holding your tongue, while maintaining your fine sense of humour proves most effective. So, ‘hands off’ and let it happen …’Who Dares Wins’ …

Numerology for 27/ 06/ 2023

You are very protective of all that matters to you and only once your base is secure, do you proceed inexorably towards your target. You may be about practical perpetual service and feel your actions are just and totally correct but loosen up a bit, truly listen and try to see things as others do You may care very deeply for others and may feel so responsible for the happiness of others that you are giving too much. Perhaps stop and ask yourself, “am I doing this to make me feel better or you?” Reflect also on how ambitious and creative you are. Despite the obstacles make time to pursue this. All the time you put others before yourself, you may be running on empty with no time for you and the resulting frustration, may leave you feeling in the middle of a conflict zone. The only way to help others is by helping yourself first … It may be time to give yourself, and others space, then find your spiritual path and stick to it …

Numerology for 26/ 06/ 2023

You may feel pushed into action but may find you have the courage and stamina to stay the course. This may help you to become a tower of strength and reliability to your family and friends, as well as an inspirational manager. All you experience may help you to inspire many but may also make you very protective of those you love. If so, have confidence in the ability of others to look after themselves. You may find that friends and family welcome you focussing on yourself for a while. It may also be vital for your health, that you have interests outside of your home. This may mean working in a different way to others, but be creative, stay grounded and listen to those you love. You can be very critical and intimidating, instead try to be patient and don’t let emotion cloud your judgement. Allow yourself time and space to open-up to the universe and have a little faith …

Numerology for 25/ 06/ 2023

You may be sensitive, there may be obstacles and others trying to impose their way of thinking on you. You may be determined to speak for others and like to stay one step ahead, but you may need to stand back and re-evaluate first. You can be so highly attuned to the feelings of others, that you may become deeply involved with their problems and may not be able to help as a result. It may be key that you stand back from things, spend time on your own, reconnect with who you truly are and what you are trying to achieve. Obstacles can stop you in your tracks, encouraging you to look within, they may also give you something to push against, potentially transforming something within yourself, as well as transforming your environment. Obstacles also mean you are moving forward and although on one level you may feel stuck, you may know that with new creative thinking, there is the potential to break through.