Numerology for 13/ 07/ 2023

There may be obstacles and you may have to ‘get real’ when dealing with them. You may be very sensitive to the suffering of others and may want to act and speak for causes you believe in. You may be very ambitious and creative, but you may doubt yourself. To get past your disappointment and frustration, try not to take it personally when others do not respond as you would like. If in your heart you feel this is the right time to take advantage of an opportunity, when you make your move – give it all you’ve got. Daring to fail may be a key to your success.

Numerology for 12/ 07/ 2023

You may be a master of persuasion, but you don’t have to win every argument. You may have brilliant ideas but not everyone will be ready for them so you won’t be able to take everyone with you as you would like. Your greatest teachers can be the people in your world that you profoundly disagree with. So, try to be sensitive to the needs and wishes of others and learn to back off occasionally. Rather than put energy into frustration, perhaps focus on taking action yourself, rather than persuading others to do so, ideally taking time to go into the quiet and reflect first.

Numerology for 11/ 07/ 2023

You may be very observant and a great persuader. You may pride yourself for being very much ‘in the know’ and always one step ahead. However, it may also be important that you see your great sensitivity as the strength it is, making time to listen to others and see things as others do. So, keep a rein on your imagination, try to stay grounded and true to who you are, rather than how you would like to be seen.

Numerology for 10/ 07/ 2023

You may feel it’s time to get out there and live your truth … It may be clear to you what needs to change, but it may be important you take time to listen to others and try to see things as others do first. There may be a side to you that likes to stay on the side lines, judging from afar and another side to you that plans and wants to take action to transform things. These options may isolate you and offer you a false sense of security. To resolve this, practise setting limits, accept change and responsibility. Focus on finding the peace within, so this will surround you.

Numerology for 09/ 07/ 2023

You may feel frustrated and unsettled, wanting security and stability, but needing freedom. If so, try not to be discouraged and try to restore balance. You may need to be loved, but don’t change yourself to be wanted, stay true to who you are. Ideally stay grounded and focussed on structure and your next step towards where you want to get to. You may have to toughen your stance as you try not to be so sensitive. It is important you find your passion again as the world needs your wonderful ideas. Co-operating with others may help you to see things as they do, so listen and keep your words clear and simple, but try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you. It doesn’t have to be you against the world …  It’s your inner wonders that count …

Numerology for 08/ 07/ 2023

You may be a hard worker who’s decisive and focussed on the practical. There may be frustration and procrastination if things are not going according to plan, and you may have to focus on the essentials of what you want to achieve. It may be time to lighten up a bit and have fun with no practical goal in mind. Ideally reconnect in new ways with those who truly care, establishing boundaries. Together into the unknown, rise to see new solutions, reconnect to your shared truth, value also the process of self-discovery and a deeper love of life through collective compassion.

Numerology for 07/ 07/ 2023

Try to go into the silence at some point today, still your mind and re-connect with the core of who you are, find your message and the way forward may become clear. You may feel unsettled, wanting security and stability, but needing freedom. You may want to focus on creative activities that can nurture and help others, this may not always be appreciated, but remain true to yourself and don’t let the world beat you down. You may enjoy being the centre of attention, but with your confidence so fragile, stay close to those who care about you, while you try to put your imagination ideas to productive use. Find the courage to truly be yourself, stay focussed and you may find that a friend or partner with a more business-like an/or practical approach may help you greatly.

Numerology for 06/ 07/ 2023

You may be all about practical, perpetual service, wanting to help others help themselves.  There may struggle to break free from this, to be independent and self-confident. You may have to make the decision without emotion to just move on … opening your mind to new experiences and change, so transforming your situation. Your way may not be the only way and along the way you may have to rethink your idea of perfection, keeping things as light as possible. You may have spent years trying to prove to the world that you are ‘normal’ by burying your personality, but now might be the time to toughen up a bit and truly be yourself.

Numerology for 05/ 07/ 2023

Don’t keep your imagination to yourself, share some of your ideas and work with others to recognise opportunities and go for them. Try to stay focused as you jump from one subject to another. You may be brightening the daily lives of family and friends, but not everyone will be happy. Understand that sometimes you have to let things happen and unfold in their own time, so try to see things as others do and work in more subtle ways. Let those who stand by you know how much they are appreciated and loved.

Numerology for 04/ 07/ 2023

You may be proud of the group you represent, and your roots may be important to you, but you remain beholden to only yourself. You have the potential to inspire yourself and others to think in new ways, even though along the way you may have become disillusioned. If so, try not to focus on what has been, your past does not define you and you are not moving in that direction, so stay focused on where you want to get to. Even if things don’t seem to be happening fast enough, try to stay focused on what you love and connected to the bigger picture, not taking anything personally. The wisdom and truth you are looking for is inside you.