There may be lots of ups and downs and you may feel frazzled and exhausted. It may be time to balance fun with responsibility and lessen your need for the approval of others – you don’t have to turn yourself inside out to make others happy. Decide what your responsibility is and what it isn’t. Make your plan’s but go with the flow rather than get frustrated. There may be a letting go at some point today and this may bring in new ideas as well as a re-evaluation of security and stability. Rather than seeing things in ‘black and white’ out of the blue you may feel a connection with spirit and start to view things from a different perspective …
Category: Daily Summary
Numerology for 30/ 08/ 2023
There is the potential for a breakthrough and turning point to be reached if you can just stay focussed. You may have an imagination that can run riot, but you may also find you have the choice, become inspired and shine for others or remain scattered. Despite feeling very sensitive, you may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone and may feel forced into action. Endurance may be needed, but by embracing change and new thinking you can help yourself, so you can help others …
Numerology for 29/ 08/ 2023
You may feel pulled in different directions, you hate chaos and may want to bring in structure. You may be ruthless about getting what you want, but at the same time you may want to make everyone happy. You may want to be left to do things in your own way, but you may also dislike being alone and there may be a big fear of failure or rejection. Relationships may be key for you, particularly the relationship you have with yourself. Lighten up, get to know yourself better and find the courage to truly be yourself. Improvisation, adaptability and thinking on your feet may be your forte, if so, feel gratitude for how far this has brought you, but stop making impossible demands on yourself. Get past your disappointment about what may be happening on the outside and reconnect to your inner voice. There may be a lot of emotion that needs to be expressed and a child inside that needs to be heard. Out of the blue you may find yourself reconnecting with spirit and your truth.
Numerology for 28/ 08/ 2023
The courage to truly be yourself and your need to travel, may bring up lots of frustration and emotion today. You may be determined to make your ideas a reality, but may also have to be practical and perhaps realise how exhausted you are. If so, try not to be so dramatic and instead take time to listen to the points of view of others. If others are not interested in your ideas, save your breath, and focus instead on getting on with things, ideally making your ideals a reality through your new thinking and new actions, where you are now …
Numerology for 27/ 08/ 2023
You may be very sensitive to the suffering of others and may have to develop discernment, taking measured action to help and inspire others effectively. This may cause you great frustration and you may feel pushed into blind experience, impatient but wanting to make a difference. Unsure as to how best to apply your considerable potential, it may help to just focus on helping others, the energy you receive from this may light your way, helping you to find your place in the world. Don’t allow fixed ideals to limit your thinking and creativity, your breadth of vision and unconventional thinking may give you the answer. Try to be patient and learn from others’ but decide for yourself what you do next. Helping others, rather than focusing on your goals, may help you to feel empowered and connected to others in a new way.
Numerology for 26/ 08/ 2023
You may feel your place is supporting others, but there may be some things you really want to do. You know your own worth and that there is something unstoppable within you. There may be a great deal of emotion involved with you standing up to be counted. Know you can help others without depleting or limiting yourself. You may feel forced into action and may be very impatient for change, but the only way to change your environment is by changing on the inside. Co-operate with others and you may find that when you stand back and let things happen, everything works out just fine, especially if you make time also to go into the quiet to find you message and try to ensure the words don’t pour put out of you.
Numerology for 25/ 08/ 2023
You may be trying to help others, while feeling beset with obstacles yourself. Not wanting to let others down, you may realise how strong you are. Others trying to impose their thinking on you, may help you to find your voice and your truth. You may be determined to bring out the best in everyone and this can mean you spend too much time attracting and winning the approval of others. Know you are valuable in your own right and that you can only help others when by becoming strong yourself. If you are running on empty you are not going to be able to help anyone, least of all yourself and you may be starting to realise how ambitious and creative you are. If so, try to feel grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focussed, and connected to others, they also mean you are moving forward. Always remember also, that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’.
Numerology for 24/ 08/ 2023
You may want everything running smoothly, in perfect harmony and with every detail right. You can be ruthless about getting what you want, in your practicality and your communication. There can be resistance to change, not just from yourself, but from others, who may not appreciate your observations. You may maintain great emotional control and may be seeing everything in a very physical/practical way, potentially making decisions with little emotion, very impatient with delays. Everyone, especially yourself would benefit from time and space to look at things from a new perspective, ideally connecting with the bigger picture, and for everyone to take a break. Perhaps step back, reconnect with your heart and while respecting the wishes of others, allow things to run their course, some secrets are best kept secret …
Numerology for 23/ 08/ 2023
You may feel very up and down, you may have the ideas’, but you may doubt yourself. You may have an imagination that runs riot, as well as lots of emotion. Rather than put energy into feelings of frustration, it may be important you make time for reflection and intuition. You may feel great responsibility towards others, but you may need to get back in touch with your own feelings and find your own truth again. You may feel beset with obstacles and other people trying to impose their thinking on you, but there may be opportunity here to change a pattern.
Numerology for 22/ 08/ 2023
There may be lots of emotion with lots of ups and downs today, especially if you try to make everyone happy. There may be confusion and with so much to do, you can either become scattered or you can become inspired and shine for others. Rather than procrastinate, try to see things as others do and co-operate with others more. Remain open to advice and suggestions, your sensitivity is a great strength, not something you have to hide. Admit your weaknesses and communications may be much improved. Out of the blue you may also connect profoundly with spirit …