It’s great that you can be painstaking in your work but try to ensure your planning to get every detail right, doesn’t stop you moving forward. There is a point at which polishing becomes wearing away, so try to ensure you act decisively and creatively, ideally with great emotional control. Taking time to stand back and connect with the bigger picture, can help you to keep things simple and can encourage you to look at things in new ways and so find new solutions. Allow yourself also to go with the flow and you may discover great intuition and synchronicity can change everything.
Category: Daily Summary
Numerology for 12/ 12/ 2024
You may care a bit too much about the happiness of others and trying to make everything perfect. You may have lots to say, but it may be far more important you truly listen and see things as others do, ideally stepping back to see the beauty without the perfection and to focus on practical communication. Finding balance within yourself is the way for balance and harmony to surround you. Staying focussed rather than scattered, taking responsibility for yourself before others. Saying no occasionally, to ensure you are not running on empty, this may all be very important for you today, if you are to bring out the best in yourself and others.
Numerology for 11/ 12/ 2024
Intense energies are at work today and you may feel pulled in different directions – up with ideas and down with emotion. You may also have difficulty expressing yourself and may hear yourself say things and think ‘where did that come from?’ You may have a problem with authority and may have to go with the flow more than you would like. If so, try not to take things personally – you don’t have to be in charge for everything to come right. Get past your disappointments and try to see things as others do, whilst staying focussed on where you want to get to. Remember also that laughter keeps you healthy and helps you to connect with others.
Numerology for 10/ 12/ 2024
There may be obstacles, and you may be feeling stuck. Others may be trying to impose their thinking on you – when you may want to be left to do things in your own way. You may be more comfortable observing the games that go on but resist your tendency to hide away and if necessary, fight to be heard. Conserve your energy by doing things in your own way, without needing for the approval of others. If you feel overwhelmed, focus on one step at a time, taking time away from the drama to choose your response. Allow help to may come from unexpected places and you may find that working with others makes all the difference.
Numerology for 09/ 12/ 2024
You may be ambitious and may love to be in the spotlight, but if deep down this is driven by a fear of failure and rejection, you may find yourself with lots of emotion you find difficult to express, especially if things are not going according to plan. But rather than let anger build up, you could choose to respond in a different way and see things more as other’s do. You don’t always have to be the star and there doesn’t have to be drama. You could just choose to keep your feet on the ground, and this could be a breakthrough for all concerned.
Numerology for 08/ 12/ 2024
You may throw yourself completely into whatever you do and may be able to see with great clarity what stands in the way of progress. If others don’t respond as you would like, try to be patient and take time to listen. Find the courage to be yourself and stay positive but try to see things as others do, cultivating moderation and the capacity to view experiences dispassionately. Working with others is the best way to realise your hopes and ideas.
Numerology for 07/ 12/ 2024
There may be lots of emotion, especially regarding delays. There may also be a great struggle to be independent and self-confident, together these may result in lots of ups and downs. Despite this, your great passion and sense of responsibility towards others may be what wins through. Not wanting to let anyone down, you may realise how important it is that you follow your heart and do things in your own way, as much as possible. It may help also to see things as others do, ideally communicating your truths in a light-hearted, fun sort of way, after listening intently. Actions speak louder than words and people always remember how you make them feel, they also always pick up on your true intentions.
Numerology for 06/ 12/ 2024
Keeping yourself busy, trying to make the world a better place, may be important to you today. This may take you into new territory, but allowing yourself to be guided in this way and then sharing all you have learnt, can result in profound connections and realisations. Being very practical, you may also recognise a need to develop tolerance and acceptance for the weakness in others. On reflection you may realise that by focussing your efforts on yourself and limiting the time you spend on others you can free up your own inventive nature and become truly original in your own right. Finding your true self under layers of learnt behaviours. Stepping out into the truth of who you are.
Numerology for 05/ 12/ 2024
You may be confident about getting things done and sometimes this can be justified and sometimes not. Acknowledge the difficulties that do exist and don’t waste your time trying to solve what’s better left alone. Stay positive and work with others more – if things are not going according to plan their advice and support can help you to truly turn things around. It does not have to be you against the world, instead of focussing on generating continually, focus on the essentials of what you want to achieve, taking time out in the quiet to re-evaluate and reflect.
Numerology for 04/ 12/ 2024
You may feel impatient if progress is slow, especially if you have to go with the flow more than you would like. You may have a lot to say about this and you may be asked to ‘turn down your volume’. You may be fearful of losing your authority, but stay positive, focus on keeping things simple and working with others more. You have the potential to size up a person or argument very quickly and accurately, but don’t be so sharp that you cut yourself. The greatest power of all is the power of love. So, despite your scepticism, open your heart and allow yourself to be open to the potential of intuition and synchronicity. Try to feel grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focussed, and connected to others, they also mean you are moving forward. Necessity is the mother of invention and by thinking in new ways yourself, you may more easily be able to inspire others. Actions always speak louder than words.