Numerology for 29/ 12/ 2023

You may be frightened of making a mistake and there may be a fear of rejection. You may also be very up and down with emotion. Despite this you may want to stir everything up at a profound level to bring about change. To push through with your vision, to be the best you can be, you may have to stand back from things and let go with love all that no longer serves you. This means connecting with your feelings, ideally sharing them with others and letting other’s help you. Within yourself, stay positive, focussed, and keep trying. Don’t be afraid to compromise and admit your mistakes. Just walk away and begin over, when necessary, just don’t give up on your dreams!

Numerology for 28/ 12/ 2023

Despite the obstacles and others trying to impose their thinking on you, try not to be dismayed or disillusioned. This may bring up a great deal of emotion and frustration and you may not know where to begin. It may be important that you take the time to explain yourself and try to see things as others do. Working with others, could help you greatly. Know also that if you can stay grounded and focussed with your dreams intact, you will be able to help many. … “Who Dares Wins” …

Numerology for 27/ 12/ 2023

You may be looking at things from a new perspective, cutting through illusion to see a new potential. In your struggle to be independent and self confident there may be lots of emotion you find difficult to express. You may feel very impatient and be easily influenced. It may be key that you stay positive and recognise your own self worth. Continue to give, but demand something in return. Use your true feelings to see clearly in all situations, stay focussed on your plans and where you want to get to.

Numerology for 26/ 12/ 2023

This may be a time of breakthrough, as you may find yourself looking from a new perspective and seeing with great clarity exactly what needs to shift. This time could be a turning point if you can persist with your plans and take action to see things through. This will mean being careful and methodical, persevering with hard work. You may also need to be open and flexible. There may be a great deal of emotion you find difficult to express, as well as great impatience and this could result in you placing your confidence with the wrong people. Know that working to help others would help you greatly with moving forward and making your plans a reality.

Numerology for 25/ 12/ 2023

You may find you have to focus on the mundane, even if ‘out of the blue’ you may feel connected with spirit and inspiration. You may feel very impatient and may feel you have to fight for the survival of your new found truth. If you are looking for easy solutions you may be easily influenced and place your confidence with the wrong people. You may have to be realistic and fight disillusionment. If so, try to keep things light and stay focussed on where you want to get to. If you do, you may realise you are being protected and there is great potential for realising your hopes.

Numerology for 24/ 12/ 2023

You may keep yourself busy making the world a better place, but may be striving for perfect harmony on the outside, when on the inside there may be lots of emotion and confusion. This may be reflected back to you when you are feeling exhausted, but with emotional control there is the potential to be more decisive. So, give yourself some space and time, try to find the harmony within, ideally learn to feel gratitude for all your experiences have taught you. Believe in yourself and be open to potential intuition and synchronicity helping you greatly.

Numerology for 23/ 12/ 2023

You may be prepared to fight for what you believe in but you can also be easily distracted, so may have to be realistic about what is practical and viable. Try not to get stuck in too much emotion, taking things personally. Decide on your course of action, while remaining open to healthy criticism and positive suggestions. Be aware that planning in too much detail, can inhibit the natural flow of events. Whether you forge ahead with your ideas and refuse to be ignored or fold under pressure, remain connected with others and open to new ways of thinking. Working with others could be positive for you today, there doesn’t have to be conflict and seeing things as others do, while remaining positive, could help all concerned.

Numerology for 22/ 12/ 2023 

You may feel very sensitive and vulnerable. It may be important that you go into the quiet and reflect before speaking. If possible try to see things from a different perspective, keeping things as simple as possible. There is no need for things to be complicated and confusing. Master you emotions and try to stand back from things, ideally not taking anything personally. Let go of old mindsets and allow yourself to be more open and accepting. If your heart is in what you are doing, there is a great potential for synchronicity and intuition. On one level it may feel as though nothing is changing, but when you look back you may realise everything is being stirred up at a profound level, potentially initiating new thinking and great change.

Numerology for 21/ 12/ 2023

The Winter Solstice is known as the shortest day of the year (also the longest night of the year) and in latin the word ‘Solstice’ literally means “sun” (sol) “to stand still” (sistere)

A solstice is an event that occurs when the Sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere.
You may feel you are giving too much and need a break. It may be time to truly listen to your inner voice as well as to others and not just to those who may reinforce your point of view. Beware when you do this, as you may be feeling very stuck and very impatient. You may be looking for quick, easy solutions and there is a danger you may place your confidence with the wrong people. While it’s wonderful that you are so devoted to your cause, you may have to ask yourself, “Am I doing this to make me feel better or to help other people feel better?” There maybe some deep heartache that you would rather not deal with and helping others can be a distraction? You have some amazing ideas and can bring out the best in others, but all the time you feel in conflict with yourself, this may be reflected back to you and you may feel in a conflict zone. So, give yourself a break and be kind to yourself as well as to others ….

Numerology for 20/ 12/ 2023

You are great at starting things and can generate a great deal through your thoughts and emotions. Your sensitivity and vulnerability can also help you to overcome great odds, potentially helping others along the way. Beware however that hiding heartache and emotion can leave you feeling confused. It may be key  that you establish boundaries, while also expressing your feelings, without taking events personally. Try also to stay focussed on your goal, as when you do, you can be a great organiser. Be grateful for your drive, as this push can keep you going and help you push through lots of ups and downs along the way and can help you to see your  sensitivity as the great strength it is.