Numerology for 28/ 05/ 2024

You may come across as confident and self-assured, but you may at times care too much about others, putting their happiness before your own. You may also be trying to bring in some unconventional ideas and others may not realise just how much this means to you as you may be keeping lots back. You may have to ask yourself ‘am I doing this to make you feel better or me?’ Not everyone wants to be looked after and not everyone wants to think in new ways. Sometimes the best way to help others is to focus on becoming happy yourself. Perhaps just focus on the courage to be yourself and drop the martyrdom … ‘Who Dares Wins’.

Numerology for 27/ 05/ 2024 

You may be dedicated and passionate about your cause, but you may also compare yourself to others and feel you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. You may feel sensitive, with a great need to communicate and despite your great sensitivity you can be direct and outspoken. It may be important you listen to others, as well as our inner voice. There may be obstacles but try not to lose your passion. If you feel overwhelmed, it may help to decide to swim not sink. Follow your heart, and you may find surmounting obstacles, innovating, and overcoming challenges in a new situation can become your specialties. Whatever you decide to do, try to feel grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focussed, and connected to others. Obstacles also mean you are moving forward.

Numerology for 26/ 05/ 2024

You may feel forced into action, and this may feel like a challenge as you may feel you need a break. You may also like to be the centre of attention and may have little interest in materialism or practicality. Obstacles may help you to be more grounded and focussed, helping you to connect more with reality and to others. This may be uncomfortable but may prove very creative as ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. It may be time to let up on your moral judgements and listen to others. Give yourself space to stand back from things and allow yourself to have the break you so badly need.

Numerology for 25/ 05/ 2024

You are a fighter and freedom for yourself, and others may be central in your world. You may have a driving intensity that gives you an air of great confidence and self-assurance, but there may be emotional turmoil on the inside. There may be lots of emotion you find difficult to express and you may be focused on uplifting others with your vision. You may be brilliant at communicating in your own unique way, if you can stay focussed rather than scattered. Try to be less judgemental and more forgiving, if necessary, turn the volume down and don’t take it personally of others are not ready for what you have to say. Recognise the value of being vulnerable and emotionally open, this need not be messy, and drama is not always necessary. Actions can speak louder than words, so perhaps just focus on keeping focussed, busy and happy for now … Know an inspiring breakthrough could result …

Numerology for 24/ 05/ 2024

Slow down your pace, you are wearing others out, as well as yourself. Things will work out fine without you in control, so let go of your fear of failure and start to see the beauty without the perfection. Try to stand back and let things unfold without your interference, stop talking and try to focus more on listening (to your inner voice as well as to others). You may find you learn a great deal from others when you witness, (even though this may truly take you out of your comfort zone). You may find out of the blue you are connecting with spirit and finding the courage to truly be yourself. With renewed the creativity that may result, you may be able to inspire yourself and others with your great insights.

Numerology for 23/ 05/ 2024

You may have ideas, but you may doubt yourself and after pushing through powerful barriers to truly be yourself, you may experience some sort of light bulb moment – as if the light comes in and suddenly you can communicate your ideas more effectively. You may feel exhausted, but you still have a great deal of love and wisdom to share. If so, try to stay positive and focussed, above all find the courage to truly be yourself, even if this brings up lots of emotion. Decide to make time for yourself and let your inner voice be your guide. Stay true to who you are and try not to be thrown by all that is going on around you. It may be time to focus on progress and creativity, not endurance and perfection.

Numerology for 22/ 05/ 2024

There may be a choice to be made today and this may feel like a potential turning point. It may be important you connect with your feelings even if they are painful and hidden. Give yourself space to listen to your inner voice, as well as to others. Use your true feelings to see clearly and you may find a natural inner strength helps you to think in new ways. This may however also bring fear and more sensitivity. Sometimes it’s about making the best of what is presented to us. You have a wonderful breadth of vision and may be able to see far beyond what others appear to see. Sometimes you can take on too much, feeling It’s all down to you. There is the danger that you don’t always finish what you start, so learn the value of maintenance and sticking with things. Try to trust yourself and others more, big projects take time to build, it’s not just about talk and passion.

Numerology for 21/ 05/ 2024

You may feel everything is coming to a head, to be dealt with, if so try to get the balance right by attending to small tasks as well as the big projects, ideally accepting help from others and getting some rest along the way. You may feel very unsettled, with a lot to say. If so, take a deep breath, remain polite and sensitive perhaps just focus on the essentials of what you want to achieve, dropping the martyrdom and ideally waking up to what is real and what is illusion. You may be in a hurry to change the world, but you won’t be able to do this on your own, working with others and bringing out the best in others is vital. It may help you to connect with the bigger picture and the long-term view, above all have faith in yourself and the universe. You don’t have to be in charge for it all to come right …

Numerology for 20/ 05/ 2024

Find your centre and stay in touch with it. You may be very ambitious, but still turn off your motor and make time to meditate or go into the quiet. As much as possible limit yourself to the task at hand and try to keep things simple. Finish one project before starting the next and try not to get distracted. You may like to stay one step ahead, but today use your great will power to work on yourself, you may find that by doing this, you can help others more effectively.

Numerology for 19/ 05/ 2024

Keep your considerable energy under control and direct it well. Heartfelt persuasion can be your most powerful tool, so focus on finding what you love to do, despite feeling pulled in different directions. You may want to be the centre of attention and there may be a lot of emotion you find difficult to express. You may find you need space to go into your emotions and to re-evaluate. Analysis, reasoning, and logic don’t always move your life forward and can take you away from your original intentions. So, forget perfection – follow what is best in you, take action to help others and don’t underestimate the power in one act of kindness.