Numerology for 05/ 06/ 2024

Get a handle on your energy and try to simplify your thoughts. You may need to slow down a bit to be more grounded and focussed – to make sure everyone is with you. You are a great organiser, and your enthusiasm is wonderful, but your approach needs to be more measured and thoughtful. Take a chance, meet people eye to eye and truly listen to others, keeping your words clear and simple. Develop a strong sense of your own identity and find the courage to truly be yourself, even if this may bring up lots of emotion. As much as possible, try to put yourself in the driving seat, stepping away from the drama to consider and choose how you respond, rather than letting the environment dictate how you feel and what you do. This may be very difficult and may require new thinking, as you may feel forced into action. Know the longest journey you will ever make is from your head to your heart.

Numerology for 04/ 06/ 2024

You may have a very quick, focused mind and can be very sceptical and critical of others. You are not afraid both to stand alone and to ‘muck in’ when your help is needed. Despite also being very impatient, you may find you have to step back and give others space to work in their own way. If so, don’t be afraid to ask for help and guidance. If you feel you are not being listened to, take the time to truly listen to your inner voice as well as to others. Try to see things as others do and not to come on in such a rush. There can be great value in silence and doing nothing, as you take time to re-evaluate and take stock.

Numerology for 03/ 06/ 2024

You can be an inspirational speaker, but you also like to follow your own plans and you don’t allow much space for compromise. Today it may be help you greatly if you try to be more lucid and diplomatic in your approach. Beware of over confidence and manipulation – you can’t talk your way out of every situation. You hate to be ignored, but in trying to get a reaction from others, you may get more than you bargained for. Remember silence can speak volumes and acknowledge just how sensitive you are. Try not to take anything personally and drop the martyrdom, but still know that communications from heart to heart are truly listened to.

Numerology for 02/ 06/ 2024

It may seem to others’ that you thrive on difficulties as you may appear never defeated, always thinking in terms of new beginnings. Even though you may feel pushed out of your comfort zone, it seems nothing will dampen your enthusiasm. Today you may feel forced into action, and it may feel as though everything is being brought to the surface to be looked at. Your natural inner strengths and determination may help your greatly but listen also to others. If you feel overwhelmed keep moving forward, trusting your intuition. Develop your creativity and inspiration, above all stay focussed on your goal and ideally something you love. Don’t carry the world on your shoulders, make time for yourself more often, cultivate independence make space for laughter and contentment.

Numerology for 01/ 06/ 2024

There may be a great deal of transience and change swirling around you today. If so, try to stay true to yourself at the deepest level and try not to get caught up in lots of emotion. Forget society’s values for a while and what is expected of you, instead try to stay focussed on finding and communicating your unique message in your own unique way. Going into the quiet may be key for you today, as by stepping away from the drama you can look at things differently, before planning and taking more effective action to develop your creativity and stay focussed.

Numerology for 31/ 05/ 2024

You may have an important decision to make, and this may feel like a turning point. It may feel as though the survival of your truth is somehow at stake. A part of you may know and feel prepared for the pursuit of your truth to take you into whole new territory, but you may also feel exhausted.

While you may have to slow your pace and put your health first, don’t lose sight of where you want to get to. Make time to listen to your inner voice as well as to others. Continue to act for others but acknowledge just how sensitive you are too and see this as a strength. In the process of realising your ideals try to avoid arguments – they are a waste of your energy. Focus instead on the conservation of your energy and endurance.

Numerology for 30/ 05/ 2024

You may feel very distracted and unsettled. You may have to go with the flow when you are trying to stay focussed on where you want to get to. But keep your nose to the grindstone, focus on the essentials of what you want to achieve. Listen to others as well as your inner voice, be open to potential intuition and synchronicity, and a great deal could be generated.

Numerology for 29/ 05/ 2024

You may want to be seen as the best and may be quite ruthless about getting what you want. You may also be extremely impatient, especially if you feel forced to stand back and let things happen. This may bring up a fear of failure and of not being good enough and you may feel deeply cynical. This may be an important time to listen to others, ideally sharing ideas and using your characteristic wit, charm and humour to defuse the situation. You don’t have to be perfect, just sacrificing some of your ideals for the sake of harmony may be all that is required for harmony to prevail.

Numerology for 28/ 05/ 2024

You may come across as confident and self-assured, but you may at times care too much about others, putting their happiness before your own. You may also be trying to bring in some unconventional ideas and others may not realise just how much this means to you as you may be keeping lots back. You may have to ask yourself ‘am I doing this to make you feel better or me?’ Not everyone wants to be looked after and not everyone wants to think in new ways. Sometimes the best way to help others is to focus on becoming happy yourself. Perhaps just focus on the courage to be yourself and drop the martyrdom … ‘Who Dares Wins’.

Numerology for 27/ 05/ 2024 

You may be dedicated and passionate about your cause, but you may also compare yourself to others and feel you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. You may feel sensitive, with a great need to communicate and despite your great sensitivity you can be direct and outspoken. It may be important you listen to others, as well as our inner voice. There may be obstacles but try not to lose your passion. If you feel overwhelmed, it may help to decide to swim not sink. Follow your heart, and you may find surmounting obstacles, innovating, and overcoming challenges in a new situation can become your specialties. Whatever you decide to do, try to feel grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focussed, and connected to others. Obstacles also mean you are moving forward.