There is a side of you that can be passive and resigned to keeping the peace on the outside, but as a truth may become crystal clear to you, you may feel inspired enough to reach the point you can’t stand by looking on. The courage to be yourself and express how you truly feel, rather than what others may want to hear may feel unavoidable. If this is the case, try not to get carried away with yourself and keep things positive. Take time to listen, try to see things as others do and remember to express gratitude. Keep your small daily tasks in mind and try not to stumble over the stone at your feet while you eye the distant mountain.
Category: Daily Summary
Numerology for 04/ 10/ 2024
You may come across as relaxed and accepting, as you may very much want to maintain harmony. Beneath the surface you may be a great organiser, who is very creative and with great breadth of vision. Deep down you may want to shake things up at a profound level, to bring about change, but you also feel beset with obstacles, as well as very impatient. Setting yourself goals and a timetable to reach them, may help you greatly and stop you from feeling stuck. Give yourself space also to look from a different perspective, ideally sharing your ideas with others. Above all, let go of the past and have faith in yourself and the universe.
Numerology for 03/ 10/ 2024
You may feel overwhelmed by obstacles and at the same time you may feel pulled in different directions You may also be very ambitious as well as idealistic. It may feel like ‘make or break’ as you see great opportunities to transform things, but new thinking may be required, as you may have to revise your plans. Whatever you decide to do try to break the pattern of resignation and procrastination by focussing on moving forward. Be grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded focussed and connected to others, they also mean you are moving forward.
Numerology for 02/ 10/ 2024
You don’t mince your words, and your bark may be worse than your bite, but you can scare others away, with your sharp or pointed remarks. Recognise that while things may not be happening as quickly as you would like, everyone is doing the best they can. Live and let live, understand that we are all here in service and for change to happen, this must happen on the inside first. Make time and space to listen to others as well as your inner voice and be open to the impact of working with spirit. Working with others and sharing ideas could then be more productive and breakthroughs could result.
Numerology for 01/ 10/ 2024
The previous month (9) represents the end of a cycle, and the opportunity to extract the wisdom from all that has gone before, potentially letting go of all that no longer serves you. This month (10/ 1) represents the potential for new beginnings, if we have the courage to break through into new territory.
Give yourself space to think in new ways and try to follow this through with action. Getting your job done in your own unique way is what matters to you and it is this that will win you the love and respect of others. So, waste no more time on procrastination, instead listen to your inner voice allow yourself to be guided and for your great sense of responsibility to force you into action … Seize the day!!!
Numerology for 30/ 09/ 2024
Try to see things as others do, ideally remaining creative and inspired. You may want to be somewhere else but your ability to endure with tolerance and see things through may be important today. So, focus your energies on where you are now, taking responsibility for the little things and try to put your own house in order. You may be regarded as an expert in your field, but you are not always right, so try to watch and learn. Be realistic.
Numerology for 29/ 09/ 2024
Maintaining stability may feel like an ongoing battle. Wherever you go and whatever you do uncertainty and instability may seem to swirl around you and you may feel very unsettled. You may have a great sense of duty towards others, but you may also be a perfectionist and you may not realise how impractical and idealistic some of your ideas may seem to others. Trust your inner voice and get a grip on your intense sensitivity. Try not to be driven by a fear of failure or rejection, instead recognise that repressed emotions may be reflecting back to you, in your environment. Rather than push down your feelings, unlock your emotions at a deep level. Take the reins without floundering or getting side-tracked. Embrace change and there is the potential of a breakthrough, as you find the courage to be yourself and potentially start to let go of all you no longer need to carry.
Numerology for 28/ 09/ 2024
The courage to be yourself and to do things in your own way may be important to you, but at the same time this may bring up a lot of emotion and there may be a massive struggle to be independent and self-confident. The perfectionist side to you, may feel very single minded and focussed, while at the same time, you may truly wants to take care of others. You may be aware that you are holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone and it may be important you take time to listen to your inner voice as well as to others. There may be a lot of emotion that you find difficult to express and you may feel impatient for change. Despite these contradictions, procrastination may not be an option. Know today could be a turning point, if you can stay true to who you are and follow your heart, trusting also that life will move you where you are needed. Out of the blue you may feel connected to spirit and your true authentic self. This could help you greatly with breaking through on your terms.
Numerology for 27/ 09/ 2024
You may be a perfectionist who is plagued by doubts and insecurities. You may be expecting too much of yourself and may be focussed on trying to make everything right on the outside. You may do well to examine how your career is shaping your nature. You may be determined to look after everyone – but you may also be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone, and it may be time to let go of all that no longer serves you. Acknowledge also how sensitive you are and how exhausted you may be. Do what needs to be done and understood, while focussing as much as possible on what you love to do and survival of your truth …
Numerology for 26/ 09/ 2024
You may believe that practice makes perfect, and you may like everything to be done ‘properly’. Today however you may feel pushed into new territory and may have to go with the flow more than you would like. You may recognise a great opportunity to achieve success, through your creativity and communication skills, but you may also feel you will only succeed through your own efforts. You may feel ‘back at square one’ – full of ideas but doubting yourself. It may be important to make time to listen to others and re-evaluate. While your stubborn endurance is your great strength, don’t turn this against yoursef by rigidly analsing the detail and focussing on one way of doing things. Instead, focus on doing what you love to do and give yourself space. Believe in what you are doing and use your intuition as well as synchronicity. Do this, and great creativity as well as innovation could result with lots being generated …