Numerology for 12/ 01/ 2022

Try not to be so focussed on your work that you make no time for people, try also not to be impatient and bad tempered with those who have no interest in your work. You are very sensitive but may mis-represent yourself with your intense focus. There may be obstacles but these are a great opportunity to work with others more, to see things from the perspective of others and to explore new ways of doing things. While you may be totally professional in your work and may be very comfortable up the front speaking for a cause you believe in. When speaking we repeat what we already know, but when listening we may learn something new and that can transform things. Always remember actions speak louder than words and your sensitivity is your greatest strength. Remember also that work is only part of your life, love, laughter and joy make life complete.

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 11/ 01/ 2022

You have the potential to inspire others through your work, but some re-evaluation may be required, as you may have great difficulty in verbally expressing yourself and may be easily misunderstood. You may have so much going on in your head that you have difficulty focussing on the present and relating to others. You may also feel so sensitive that as a form of self-protection you may choose to spend time on your own. If so, don’t push yourself too hard and try not to be too impatient, change won’t happen overnight. You may have lots of ideas, but you may need to be more flexible and see things as others do. Try to trust others more, admit your mistakes and be rich in your praise when it is warranted. Take time to stand back from things and re-evaluate. You may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone and now may be the time to let go of all that no longer serves you.

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 10/ 01/ 2022

You may feel you need time and space away from the drama, to listen to your inner voice, before making a realistic assessment of your situation. If you are using your intellect to try and get to the bottom of things, you may feel you are going round and round in circles. It may be about connecting directly with spirit and doing what feels right. This may mean distancing yourself from the expectations of others. If necessary, try sharing some of your ideas with others, but keep things light and fun. Perhaps take a back seat for a while, allow yourself to be guided, by doing what feels right and enjoy the ride. Try not to put too much energy into trying to figure it all out intellectually … You need to be moving forward, not going round in circles …

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 09/ 01/ 2022

You are ambitious and capable of staying focussed on this no matter what may be happening around you. You may exercise great emotional control, so others may not be aware of the great depth of your feeling. For your health it may be important that you listen to your inner voice and try not to be driven by your reactions to your environment. If you feel overwhelmed focus just on what needs to be done and understood, try to ensure also that the words don’t pour out of you. Make the best of where the wind takes you and try to be more flexible.

Remain open to advice and take what others say about you seriously. Winning and being right are not the only things that matter, it is your behaviour as a human being that truly counts …

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 08/ 01/ 2021

You can make a tremendous impact on those around you when you concentrate your energy. You study situations carefully and may come to conclusions which you communicate forcefully, but you are not always right. You can drive yourself to the limit trying to make everything perfect, when perhaps things are as they should be. Know you always have a choice in how you respond and it is important you first listen to the wisdom of others as well as your own inner wisdom. With your great breadth of vision try to stay focussed on where you want to get to and try not to just see the obstacles. Beware of glamour and ‘quick fixes’ – know new thinking can transform everything.

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 07/ 01/ 2021

You may have a vision you want to make real and you can be very persuasive. You may have a different way of looking at things, that not everyone will understand and at times when you feel understood, the words can pour out of you, if not you can retreat to your ivory tower. You may hate to be told how to do things but finding a balance especially today will be important, so give yourself space and time to ensure you listen, keeping your words clear and simple. Working with others could be very beneficial for you today, especially if you can see things as others do and take actions, that will benefit everyone.

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 06/ 01/ 2022

You may have an eye for perfection and be devoted to your cause. You may want to share with others what you regard as the best way to transform things but may soon come to realise you can’t impose your way of thinking on anyone. If you feel overwhelmed, start with what needs to be done first. Stay focussed and you can show your great creativity as well as devotion to your cause, through your actions as well as your words. Keep your ideals grounded and try to make sure your ‘reality’ is not in fact an illusion. Be grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focussed and connected to others. Working with others can also stop you from getting lost in self centredness. Obstacles mean you are moving forward.

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 05/ 01/ 2022

Give yourself space and time to recover, instead of putting others first, it may be time to look at things differently, ideally to move from dependence to finding your own truth.

Not one to be kept down for long, you are resilient and resourceful, with a great capacity for comebacks. You can be ruthless about getting what you want, but it is important that you stay positive and remain a team player as much as possible. Take time to truly listen to your inner voice as well as to the wisdom of others. Don’t get stuck dwelling in the past and don’t be afraid to ask for help and guidance. Open yourself to the spiritual and you may find yourself in new territory.

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 04/ 01/ 2022

You may be a great organiser who can specialise in making decisions and solving problems without emotion, but you can also be over controlling. If you don’t like your existing structure you may want to stir things up at every level to bring about change, while at the same time, there may be an internal struggle to be independent and self-confident, with lots of emotion you may find difficult to express.

Loosen up a bit and you may realise that the change that is required is a change in your mind-set. The journey from your head to your heart, the longest journey you will ever make. Give yourself and others space – respect others even if they are on the wrong track in your opinion. Drop the martyrdom and fixed ideas, instead listen, keeping your words clear and simple and you may be inspired to think in new ways.

You have the potential to connect with something much bigger than self, opening the door to a greater life if you want to. Just be open to new ways of doing things. Yours is not the only way of doing things and you don’t have to be in charge for everything to come right.

The challenge for 2020 was to focus on building viable new structures, while connecting to the much bigger picture, promoting peace and harmony.

The 20s in 2020 encourages everyone to take their time, working in more subtle ways to get every detail right, employing great care, thoroughness and consideration.

We are also at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius which is about the brotherhood of man and the two 2s now in the year, encourage a more diplomatic, sensitive approach. As we start to see both sides of situations true compassion and ‘soft power’ can potentially emerge.

The challenge for 2021 was to think in new ways and embrace change, while staying focussed, as there may be extremes of emotion in amongst some brilliant ideas.

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’

Numerology for 03/ 01/ 2022

You may have a great sense of duty towards others and it may come as quite a shock to you when others are not as committed as you are. You may be a perfectionist with a relentless determination and there can be great frustration if things don’t go according to plan. Especially if you find you may have to embrace change and re-evaluate, possibly even start again. Recognise your limitations – they do exist. Be humble, be courageous and stay engaged with the bigger picture. Allow yourself to give in occasionally. You don’t always have to win.

The challenge for 2020 was to focus on building viable new structures, while connecting to the much bigger picture, promoting peace and harmony.

The 20s in 2020 encourages everyone to take their time, working in more subtle ways to get every detail right, employing great care, thoroughness and consideration.

We are also at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius which is about the brotherhood of man and the two 2s now in the year, encourage a more diplomatic, sensitive approach. As we start to see both sides of situations true compassion and ‘soft power’ can potentially emerge.

The challenge for 2021 was to think in new ways and embrace change, while staying focussed, as there may be extremes of emotion in amongst some brilliant ideas.

The challenge for 2022 is to take responsibility and to start to bring in new structures that ideally will serve everyone.

For more information please follow link below for my article
‘The Pandemic Years – 2020, 2021, 2022 …’