Numerology for 02/ 03/ 2022

You are highly dependable with a strong sense of loyalty. But there is a danger you can put others on a pedestal (they perhaps don’t want to be on), when there is a lot you want to say and do yourself. Make sure your own needs are met and that you don’t just focus on what others want. You have the ideas, but you may doubt yourself and there is a danger you may focus on your plans and then become frustrated because you don’t take the action. Make the journey from your head to your heart and allow yourself to become inspired again. Looking at things differently can change everything …

Numerology for 01/ 03/ 2022

Today are all emerging from 8 days of very intense 2 energy (1 date with 6 2s, 7 dates with 6 2s). Personally we may start to feel lighter, more together and less reactive to enormous sensitivities …
We are now working more with the 3 rhythm which may encourage greater creativity and communication …

You are sensitive but with a tough side, that you may want to build upon. You are good on planning and attention to detail, but may focus on this to avoid taking action, particularly when your personal life is not going according to plan. Be grateful to obstacles, they keep you grounded, focused and connected to others’, they may also force you into action. Carrying emotional hurt or confusion with you on the inside can cause frustration, passivity and suffering. It may help you greatly to focus on the bigger picture and where you want to get to, rather than the obstacles. Necessity is the mother of invention and you have the potential make something from nothing and to transform things, if you can push through with your creativity and never give up.

Numerology for 28/ 02/ 2022

Try to find some quiet ‘me time’, away from constant distraction, to reconnect with the core of who you are and so deal with all that may be coming up to be dealt with. You may be exhausted from trying to please everyone and may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone. Despite being a perfectionist, it may be time to let go and trust. In the process you may come to realise that by working with others you can communicate more easily and effectively, having more fun along the way too. There may be a great deal of emotion and re-evaluation required but with the support of others, try to find the courage to truly be yourself and change some powerful patterns. Ideally try to proceed with the attitude ‘who dares wins’.

Numerology for 27/ 02/ 2022

You can be very insightful with regard to the outside world, but may at times understand little about yourself, other than what you think you want and there can be a big gap between what you want and what you need. Too often you may think your problems will be solved by another person and you can get stuck in a fear of rejection or failure. Look inward not just outward for what you need. Try to connect again with your feelings and your intuition, ideally using your true feelings to see clearly in all situations. Appreciate, consider and co-operate with others more. It’s not all about you getting what you want …

Numerology for 26/ 02/ 2022

You may want to bring in new thinking and to transform things but may have to start with mastering your emotions. You may be highly attuned to the sensitivities of others but may find that the courage it takes for you to truly be yourself is where the new thinking and transformations truly begin. You may feel forced into action and may find it helps the process if you try to keep things simple to take yourself less seriously. Learn also to listen, share responsibility and sometimes let others be the boss. 

Numerology for 25/ 02/ 2022

Find space and time for your passion again, it may help you to heal from deep heart ache and may inspire you to think in new ways. Truly listen to others and feel your connection, find your natural inner strengths together. Respect beliefs different from your own and stay connected to the bigger picture. Get past your disappointment that things are not as you had planned and are not perfect. Instead focus on healing yourself and others, creating value where you are now. Aim to be happy no matter what.

Numerology for 24/ 02/ 2022

There may be lots coming up to be dealt with and you may feel very impatient as others may seem to be having a great deal of influence. There is the potential here to find your inner strengths by making the best of where you find yourself. Let your next move guide you and try to think in terms of new beginnings. Take time also to truly listen to others and to see things as others do. Wake up to the fact that you don’t have to put others before yourself and you don’t have to accept all that fate sends your way. There can be great freedom when you truly take responsibility and apply your great flair for business to something you love. Respect other people’s freedom but learn to stick up for the real you.

Numerology for 23/ 02/ 2022

There may be lots of emotion and frustration. You may not want to face all that’s going on but may realise you ‘just have to get on with things and see things through’. If so, try not to be so reactive and sensitive. Try to be positive and stay focussed on one step at a time. You may feel forced into action, but this may stop you procrastinating and encourage a more practical and orderly approach. You may also be encouraged to listen to others and remain open to their suggestions. If as a result you become inspired to think in new ways, there is the potential for new creative solutions to be found. You may also find you are able to relax and have fun along the way.

Numerology for 22/ 02/ 2022

You may have a great sense of duty and can be quite ruthless about getting what you want. Allowing yourself space to think in new ways may help you get past your fear of failure or rejection and allow you to go with the flow. Try also not to be so demanding of yourself and others. Try to be more patient, there are no quick fixes –  it may just be a matter of mastering your emotions and staying focussed. Not everyone wants to be mothered, not everyone has worthy ideals and goals and you cannot impose your beliefs on others. So, instead of focussing on others make time to do things that ‘fill you back up again’ and you may realise just how amazingly creative you are. Inspire yourself to think in new ways and you will be better able to inspire others.

Please follow link to read my article
“The Date 22/02/2022, Russia and Ukraine”

Numerology for 21/ 02/ 2022

You may struggle to express yourself on a personal level. You may be wrapped up in yourself and feel very complex, but at the same time you may much want to be ‘out there’ inspiring others to think in new ways. It may help to focus on your goal and spend no time or energy comparing yourself with others, feeling you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. Try also to be more patient, particularly with yourself and try not to be so sensitive to criticism. Give yourself space and time to think in new ways and to choose how you respond. Expressing yourself personally and developing your social side may enable you to shine for others, rather than be appear fragmented and scattered. The journey from your head to your heart may be the longest and most meaningful journey you will ever make.