You may be determined to maintain peace and harmony, but you can also be quite ruthless about getting what you want. You may feel pulled in different directions, wanting to bring in new structures and great creativity. Despite your fear of failure, try to have a more open mind and tune into what people are really saying. Control your temper, particularly with those you love. You may feel you’ve got it to give, but make sure others want to be helped or led before you offer to help. You may need to be needed more than you realise. Also, you can’t do it all on your own, so try to work with others more. Above all be open to new thinking and try to take others with you as much as possible.
Category: Daily Summary
Numerology for 10/ 04/ 2022
You may be very ambitious as well as very organised, but it may be time to let up on your intensity and try to conserve your energy. To do this, stay focussed on where you want to get to and try not to allow yourself to be pulled in different directions. You may feel you like to be at the centre of things but take time to listen to others too and give yourself space for new thinking. Follow your heart, not just your head and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you.
Numerology for 09/ 04/ 2022
You may feel a bit stuck having to have to deal with the mundane when you hate any sort of restriction. But try to look at things differently and be grateful to the obstacles – they keep you grounded, focussed and connected to others. Obstacles are also an indication that you are moving forward. You may want to be regarded as different and may want to escape, but you are being forcing you to deal with reality and make decisions in the cold light of day. Know the only way you will be able to turn things around, for yourself and others, is by mastering your emotions and learning to compromise.
Numerology for 08/ 04/ 2022
You may want to be working with others to make the world a better place and may feel overwhelmed when not always able to do things your way. Your truth may be very important to you, but rather than do ‘drama queen’ master your emotions and try to work with others more. Make the best of where you are, get to know how others feel and this may help you to get to the bottom of things. Make time also to reflect and make some changes. You can only help others’ when you have it together yourself and right now you may be feeling exhausted.
Numerology for 07/ 04/ 2022
You may want to infuse everyone with your new solutions but may find that not everyone is as enthusiastic as you are. You may have to stand back so as not to overwhelm others, giving them space and time to decide for themselves. There may be a lot of work to be done and it may help you greatly to stay focussed and grounded. Don’t take it personally, if others do not respond as you would like, instead give yourself space and time for intuition and keep the flow of your energy steady. Try not to waste energy on drama and rebellion.
Numerology for 06/ 04/ 2022
You may want to bring in new structures to help transform things and you can be quite ruthless about getting what you want. Rather than overwhelm others, trying to get your message across, it may be more productive to listen and be open to new thinking. Remember your responsibilities and try to focus on staying grounded as well as innovative. You may have to ‘get over yourself’ to be open to new thinking, but true freedom and a more profound connection with others may result.
Numerology for 05/ 04/ 2022
You may have tremendous powers of concentration and may be very direct and forthright in your approach and your communications. You have the potential to take the lead in transforming things, but even you may need to take stock and perhaps consider establishing a healthier work/life balance. So, ideally make time to truly listen to others and to be more open, talking about your problems as well as your successes, sharing joys and sorrows. There may be times also when walking away may not be such a bad idea.
Numerology for 04/ 04/ 2022
You may have a great gift with words, as well as a need to initiate and innovate. If this is so, then endurance and perseverance may be key, as others may not understand your words or your motives. You may have to make the best of where you are and just focus on moving forward. It may help you greatly to become a team player, one who truly listens to others and keeps their words clear and simple. To achieve this, as well as listening, take time to contemplate, ideally in the quiet. Keep a handle on your impulsiveness, beware of glamour and quick fixes …
Numerology for 03/ 04/ 2022
You may be focussed on getting the job done and may feel this means ordering and controlling your environment, when in fact ‘hands off let it happen’ may be more appropriate. You may know exactly how you want things to be done, but you are not indispensable and you don’t have to be at the centre of things for everything to work out. Spend time with yourself for a while perhaps focus on plans that may have been on the back burner. Try to look at things differently, ideally working and communicating with others more.
Numerology for 02/ 04/ 2022
You may be extremely idealistic and may be striving for perfect harmony, you may be very generous and kind, but you can also be ruthless about getting what you want. You may have to be realistic, idealism is admirable, but it doesn’t pay the bills. You may feel pulled in different directions, as well as pushed out of your comfort zone, but stay positive. Don’t get stuck trying to achieve perfection and blaming the world because it’s not living up to your expectations. Master your emotions and listen to others, even what they say may seem negative, it may be valuable if you give it some thought. Focus on being inspired and creative yourself, ideally doing work that you love. Always remember that by thinking in new ways you can change everything.