Numerology for 25/ 03/ 2025

While making your vision real, in your own unique way, may be important to you, there may also be a struggle to be independent and self-confident. You may need space to look at things anew, as emotional turmoil may result. Whatever you decide to do, use your true feelings to see clearly and learn a softer approach. Try not to overwhelm others, instead trust life will move you where you are needed. You may find self-control and discipline are as important as your unstoppable, dynamic energy. Learn to appreciate silence and stillness, as it may be here, out of the blue, that you find your answers, as well as protection and reassurance

Numerology for 24/ 03/ 2025

You may be able to inspire many with the simple solutions that come from your heart and may be what many want to hear. You may be quite ruthless about getting what you want and may find you have to master your emotions if you are to maintain your optimism and breadth of vision, as the situation may be a lot more complex than you realised. If you are feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, listening to your inner voice as well as to others may help you greatly. You may also have to be more patient and realistic.

Numerology for 23/ 03/ 2025

You may feel very up and down, forced into action and having to focus, despite feeling very sensitive and having an imagination that can run riot. You may feel you have to fight for everything but try to stay calm and be patient. Listen to your own inner voice, know you have natural inner strengths, allow these to guide you. Above all continue to take the dream on and truly listen to your inner voice as well as to others. Believe you will get there even if you can’t work out how. Understand that everything evolves in cycles, and you have a choice in how you respond every moment.

Numerology for 22/ 03/ 2025

Despite lots of emotion you may have to go with the flow more than you would like. If so, while keeping things practical and light, stay focussed on your goal but try to move more slowly, with diplomacy and patience. Be aware of the dangers of procrastination and try to look at things differently.
Be aware that if you are feeling impatient and unsettled, you may be easily influenced and if you don’t confront what’s bothering you, your anger can build up and be explosive.
It may help all concerned if you focus on dealing with what’s really bothering you and try to keep things simple. Focus on where you want to get to and try to stay one step ahead. Listen and reflect before speaking, let others in a bit more and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you.

Numerology for 21/ 03/ 2025

Traditionally today is the first day of spring, this is also the first day of the Astrological calendar.

You may feel inspired by your plans and full of ideas, but you may have to focus on the practical and your responsibility towards others. You may be impatient for perfect harmony and your plans to be realised but may find you have to explain yourself more. Don’t take it personally if others don’t respond as you would like, just stay focussed and try to be more flexible. Give yourself and others space and time for new ideas to percolate.

Numerology for 20/ 03/ 2025

Today is a highly symbolic day, as it is the last day of winter and the last day in the astrological year.
Today, the combination of lots of emotion, as well as great willpower and a need to be the best, may result in procrastination, if you don’t focus on goals that are realistic. So, be patient, take time to stand back and allow yourself to look at things from a practical viewpoint. You may feel very unsettled, and a great deal of re-evaluation may be required. Love may also be in the air, so keep calm and make time for yourself by setting boundaries. In order that you express your great creativity, in a positive and productive way, it may be key that you stay focused and in touch with your centre. Ideally reflect on your words before speaking and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you.

Numerology for 19/ 03/ 2025

Try not to push yourself so hard – give yourself a break – you don’t have to follow through to the end on everything. There may be times you are off track, headed in the wrong direction and you need also to be aware of your limitations. Try to engage with your feelings rather use energy pushing them down. If things are not going according to your plans, keep your head and be patient. Take time to look form a different perspective, ideally with the help of others. Shared goals could encourage you to be more spontaneous and adaptable, to let go of fear and be open to new possibilities.

Numerology for 18/ 03/ 2025

Out of the blue it may feel important to you, to return to doing things in your own way &/or to return to doing something you love, perhaps as a way of reconnecting with who you truly are and how you may have felt at some time. It may be important you stay focussed, perhaps giving up something to serve a higher purpose, as if you are seeing things clearly for the first time. You may feel impatient, when it is important you take time to reflect, ideally building on a firm foundation and compromising if necessary. Watch out for illusions.

Numerology for 17/ 03/ 2025

Getting to the bottom of things may be important to you today and in the process, you may see exactly what’s standing in the way of progress. If so, stay practical and grounded in how you deal with this, but try also to take risks and be spontaneous, tending to the mundane without losing your enthusiasm. Remain true to yourself and try not to intellectualise too much, change takes time. You are sensitive and can put on a tough shell, but you have the gift of communication and can be wonderful with those who have problems communicating their feelings. Get past your fear of failure and there is the potential for inner calm, compassion and intuition – your presence may bring peace.

Numerology for 16/ 03/ 2025

Try to stay focused on planning as well as action. Develop your practical side as well as your creative and inspirational side, while trying to deal with difficulties swiftly and resolutely. Learn to stay positive and on track, despite feeling pulled in different directions. Know that setting boundaries will help you grow in confidence especially when you feel forced into action. While everything may be changing, stay dedicated to your search for truth, but be careful not to let your fear keep you isolated. You may feel hyper-sensitive and may want to hide away but take responsibility and continue to believe you can make your vision real. Believe you can do it, find the courage to truly be yourself and you are halfway there …