Numerology for 14/ 11/ 2024

You may have learnt how to stay one step ahead and you won’t be told how to do anything. You have great communication skills but may insist that your unique perspective is right. If so, try not to become threatened so easily, stay calm, conserve your energy, and try not to explode. Respect the values of others and keep your moral judgements to yourself. You have the potential to bring out the best in others when you trust your intuition and allow yourself to see gentleness and kindness as strengths. It may be key today that you go into the quiet, to find your message before speaking and that you try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you. Understand also, at a profound level, that you are here in service.

Numerology for 13/ 11/ 2024

You may have a clear vision of where you want to get to but may feel beset by obstacles. You may want to promote peace and harmony, but cannot impose your beliefs on others. There may be a great deal that goes on in your head and this may make it difficult for you to focus on the current moment. It may be time to find your centre again, developing your creativity and inspiration from within. To best help others, focus on finding the peace within, and this will surround you. Your gift to your world is your unique perspective. Spend no time comparing yourself with others, feeling you don’t measure up and that you’re not good enough. While you may have to be ruthlessly practical, you can still gently continue to speak your truth, trusting the right people will hear.

Numerology for 12/ 11/ 2024

You may have lots of ideas, but you may also be comparing yourself with others, feeling you don’t measure up and that you are not good enough. As a result, you may doubt yourself at a profound level. It is important you realise your gift to the world, is your unique perspective and that trying to fit in with others, could result in self-sabotage. However, giving yourself space to look from a new perspective, letting go of the past and bringing in new thinking. You may be disappointed you can’t act for others as you had planned. But having faith in yourself and the universe, as well as your more realistic ideas, could transform everything …

Numerology for 11/ 11/ 2024

You may want to inspire others to think in new ways but may have great difficulty expressing yourself. If so, don’t underestimate how much can be communicated by your actions and responses. Try also not to put energy into pushing your feelings down and don’t push yourself too hard either. Stay focused instead on working with others to express your unique perspective, while maintaining your great sense of fun. Allow yourself adequate rest along the way. You can only get it right by getting it wrong and it’s your intentions that truly count.

Numerology for 10/ 11/ 2024

You may feel a need to retreat into your cocoon today – if you do try to be flexible and sensitive to the difficulties this can create for others. Follow through on your responsibilities, doing what needs to be done. In the process of ‘finding yourself’ stay positive, creative, and inspired, then when you feel ready don’t be afraid to shine and share. Let profound change happen, by inspiring yourself to think in new ways,` everything can change.

Numerology for 09/ 11/ 2024

You can get completely caught up in the excitement of what you are doing and may need to ensure that your energies are directed in a constructive and productive way. Rather than simply responding to your environment it may help you to listen to your inner voice and recognise just how ambitious you are. Needing to be the best and needing to express your great creativity, this can lead to frustration if things don’t go according to plan … Whatever you decide to do, give yourself space and time for new thinking, try also to ensure your goals are positive and realistic.

Numerology for 08/ 11/ 2024

You may be determined to bring in new thinking but may also feel pulled in different directions. If so, try to be patient and not to be too hard on yourself (you can be a perfectionist and you can be very sceptical). Listen to your intuition, as well as to those who care. If you feel forced into action, you may find this helps you develop your creativity and inspiration, as your great sense of duty may help you bypass ‘over thinking’ to ensure you deliver. Lighten up and stay positive, things may not be going according to plan, but there is still the possibility of realising your hopes …

Numerology for 07/ 11/ 2024

You may be decisive and passionate about getting to the bottom of things, seeking out your truth. You may also feel impatient and forced into action, as you may come to realise, you will only succeed through your own efforts. This may feel like ‘sink or swim’ as you may find yourself in new territory. With new thinking, however, today could feel like a new adventure, a time to explore, discover and to heal. Stay curious and listen to others. Keep your words as clear and simple. Focus on healing yourself and you may be able to heal others.

Numerology for 06/ 11/ 2024

Passion for your work and wanting to seek out your truth, may help you to break through in a practical way. Your enthusiasm may spring from a very deep place, and you may have a profound belief in your abilities, but you can be overconfident, and your surfeit of energy can have a depressing effect on others, particularly the more ‘realistic’ types. This may be difficult for you to understand, as you have ideas you need to make happen and although working with others may be a challenge, it may be the best way forward. Your ‘sink or swim attitude’ may result in you continually re-evaluating how best to stay one step ahead and to get your message. You may find however that in amongst constant change, it may be through going into the quiet to centre yourself, before trying to communicate, that you most effectively get your message across.

Numerology for 05/ 11/ 2024

You may be a realist first and foremost, (accepts a situation as it is), but you can also be decisive and ruthless about getting what you want. You may have a passion for solving mysteries, figuring out human puzzles and revealing truth. In amongst constant change, it may be key that you keep yourself centred and detached from the games of life. Listen and see things as others do, meeting your own truth focus on helping others. Find the harmony within, so this will surround you. Learn to give and receive equally