Numerology for 30/ 12/ 2024

Despite feeling very responsible for the happiness of others, you may find yourself being very blunt when you can’t impose your thinking on others. You may find you have to revise your plans if you are to get your message across. It may be key that you master your emotions and allow yourself to be accepting, flexible and kind. Take time to explain yourself and try to see things as others do. Accept not everyone will be receptive to new thinking. Stay positive in your response – focus on being happy and creative.

Numerology for 29/ 12/ 2024

You may be frightened of making a mistake and there may be a fear of rejection. You may also be very up and down with emotion. Despite this you may want to stir everything up at a profound level to bring about change. To push through with your vision, to be the best you can be, you may have to explore new ways of doing things. This may mean connecting with your feelings, ideally sharing them with others and letting other’s help you. Within yourself, stay positive, focussed, and keep trying. Don’t be afraid to compromise and admit your mistakes. Just walk away and begin over, when necessary, just don’t give up on your dreams!

Numerology for 28/ 12/ 2024

Despite the obstacles and others trying to impose their thinking on you, it may be important to you that you get to the bottom of things, in your own way. This may bring up a great deal of emotion and you may be very impatient. It may be important that you take the time to explain yourself and try to see things as others do. Working with others, could help you greatly, but you also need time away from the drama. Be grateful to the obstacles, they keep you grounded, focussed and connected to others, the also mean you’re moving forward. So, stay focussed with your dreams intact and the courage to be yourself … “Who Dares Wins”.

Numerology for 27/ 12/ 2024

You may be looking at things from a new perspective, cutting through illusion to see a new potential. There may be confusion and lots of emotion you find difficult to express, you may also be very impatient and impressionable. Standing back from the drama, you may realise you are holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone. There may be confusion and lots of emotion you find difficult to express. If so, focus on what you can change, on what needs to be done and understood. Try not to put energy into drama, instead give yourself a break, letting go of all that no longer serves you, to focus on breaking through with your new vision.

Numerology for 26/ 12/ 2024

This may be a time of breakthrough as you may start to see clearly what needs to shift and may feel you are getting to the bottom of things. The courage to be yourself and do things in your own way may also be important to you and you may make a decision that pushes you into action. You may also be very impatient and impressionable; with a great deal of emotion, you find difficult to express. In your hurry to make things happen, there is a danger you could place your confidence with the wrong people. To protect yourself from this, slow down and try to focus on your next step. Do what needs to be done and understood, rather than feel overwhelmed by the enormity of all you are trying to achieve. Try to move forward on your own terms, even if your emotions may be ruling the waves of your determination … Remember your family and colleagues. Do not harden your heart. Know that working with people you can trust will help you to feel lots better …

Numerology for 25/ 12/ 2024

Out of the blue, you may find yourself thinking in new ways, adapting, co-operating, and going with the flow more than you would have liked. There may be fear and confusion, but stay positive, focus on where you want to get to and today could be a turning point. You don’t have to be in charge for everything to come right.

Numerology for 24/ 12/ 2024

You may keep yourself busy making the world a better place, but may be striving for perfect harmony on the outside, when on the inside there may be lots of emotion and confusion. This may be reflected back to you, and you may feel exhausted, especially if you are also impatient and easily influenced.  Give yourself some space and time, try to find the harmony within. Ideally learn to feel gratitude from all your experiences have taught you and let others benefit from your common sense. Believe in yourself.

Numerology for 23/ 12/ 2024

You may be prepared to fight for what you believe in but you can also be easily distracted, so may have to be realistic about what is practical and viable. Try not to get stuck in too much emotion, taking things personally. Decide on your course of action, while remaining open to healthy criticism and positive suggestions. Be aware that planning in too much detail, can inhibit the natural flow of events Whether you forge ahead with your ideas and refuse to be ignored or fold under pressure, remain connected with others and open to new ways of thinking. Working with others could be positive for you today, there doesn’t have to be conflict and seeing things as others do, while remaining positive, could help all concerned.

Numerology for 22/ 12/ 2024

There may be obstacles and you may feel very sensitive and vulnerable. It may be important that you focus again on what you love to do, keeping things as simple as possible. There is no need for things to be complicated and confusing. Master your emotions and try to stand back from things – hands off, let things happen. Allow yourself to look at things differently and try not to take anything personally. Let go of old mindsets and allow yourself to be more open and accepting. If your heart is in what you are doing, there is a great potential for synchronicity and intuition. On one level it may feel as though nothing is changing, but when you look back you may realise that everything has changed.

Numerology for 21/ 12/ 2024

The Winter Solstice is known as the shortest day of the year (also the longest night of the year) and in latin the word ‘Solstice’ literally means “sun” (sol) “to stand still” (sistere)

A solstice is an event that occurs when the Sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere.
You may feel you are giving too much and need a break. It may be time to truly listen to your self and others. It’s wonderful that you are so devoted to your cause, but are you doing this to make you feel better or to help other people feel better? Is there some deep heartache that you would rather not deal with?

You have some amazing ideas and can bring out the best in others, but all the time you feel in conflict with yourself, this may be reflected back to you. You may benefit from giving yourself a break, perhaps by focusing on the more practical and mundane. Try also to be more patient and try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you.