Try to get past your fear of failure, to strike out on your own. You may have great ideas and you may doubt yourself, but there is work to be done. It is important you focus on the job at hand. So, focus on doing rather than observing, emotional control rather than great sensitivity and frustration. Try to keep things simple and fresh. Despite your deep sensitivity you can have a very tough edge especially with regard to what is viable and practical. On one level you may know that you are holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone. Bit by bit inspire yourself to think in new ways, there are new structures to be built but you will have to learn detachment, so you can let go with love all that no longer serves you, so new structures can emerge. You can be quite ruthless about getting what you want, but you can’t impose your belief systems on others. Beware of arousing antagonism and there is the potential for a breakthrough.