In terms of Numerology, the motivation here is to re-evaluate (8) and ideally respond differently, as everything may be brought to the surface to be looked at. (26/ 8 represents ‘Lord Karma’ in Numerology).
You may have a great sense of duty towards others, and it may come as quite a shock to you when others are not as committed as you are. You may be a perfectionist with a relentless determination, and there can be great disappointment if things don’t go according to plan. It may be key that you recognise your limitations – they do exist. Give yourself space to look from a different perspective, to reflect and see things as others do. Be humble, be courageous and allow yourself to give in occasionally. You don’t always have to win.
The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8). The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).
It is important you take time off from work, as you make tremendous demands on yourself and have such high standards. For your health it may be important that you make time for yourself, to find more constructive ways of expressing your emotions. Perhaps allow yourself time to re-evaluate, embrace new thinking and see where this takes you. Don’t cut yourself off from the world; let sorrows and burdens go, make space for love and laughter. Use your true feelings to see clearly in all situations …
The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8). The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).
The number 9 is different from other numbers and represents the completion of a cycle. As a result, this year stands on the threshold of a new cycle, poised between beginnings and endings.
The ‘9 year’ brings with it the experiences of the previous 8 years, enabling us to reflect on the knowledge and understandings we have experienced – so that we may extract the wisdoms gained, before beginning our new cycle.
The year 2025 will be the 25th year since the turn of the millennia and in Numerology 25/ 7 represents a potential birth in consciousness.
The higher mind (5) is born of sensitivity and emotion (20), where the higher mind is objective whilst the sensitivity and emotion are subjective.
The shape of the 25th letter ‘Y’ illustrates expansive new thinking being channelled and focussed on going to the root of existing structures.
There is a sharpness to the shape of the letter ‘Y’, this can represent the drama and emotion that can result from the sharp contrast between new thinking (representing BEGININGS / future) and existing emotions (representing ENDINGS from the past).
Great movement may result from this contrast, particularly when established corporations and influencers try to maintain their status, whilst staying ahead of new thinking and emerging trends.
Detachment is required if we are to move from focussing on our personal needs, to what best serves the collective. New creative thinking can deliver this.
Today may feel like a new beginning, as you may feel inspired to think in new ways. Take time to follow your intuition and remind yourself of what you love to do. Share your emotions don’t get bottled up inside, listen to others and keep your words clear and simple. Remind yourself that change can be good. Understand also, that as a channel you don’t have to figure everything out and you don’t have to be in charge for everything to come right.
The challenge for 2024 was everything being brought to the surface to be looked at and dealt with collectively (8). The challenge for 2025 is to focus less on our personal needs and more on helping humanity (9).