Numerology for 16/ 09/ 2024

You may have an indomitable spirit that doesn’t recognise defeat and you rarely back down from confrontation. Despite this you may also be very patient and steadfast when necessary and your innate fairness normally rules over your very competitive nature. If you are a perfectionist, it may be key today that you go into the quiet to keep yourself grounded, focussed, and moving in a direction of your choice as much as possible. To achieve and stay one step ahead, you may have to change how you view some aspects of your past, ideally healing misunderstandings. Gain self-worth also by helping those in front of you, rather than trying to save the world.

Numerology for 15/ 09/ 2024

You may have lots of ideas about spreading the light and the love, but you can also be ruthlessly practical about getting what you want. You may be determined to take action to make your ideas a reality, but there may also be a lot of emotion you find difficult to express. Your need to please could become a problem if your desire to be perfect keeps you restless. You may have to learn to say ‘no’ so you can give yourself space to try to master what you do in your own way and in your own time, without being stressed or driven. Recognition is important to you and will come, in the meantime listen to your inner voice as well as to others. Re-evaluate, but mind the glass ceilings and don’t let the tail wag the dog.

Numerology for 14/ 09/ 2024

You may have a lot to say, but it’s not always about being right. Listen to others as well as your inner sense of what is good and true. You may be impatient and feel stuck, but try to be sympathetic to the feelings of others. Not everyone is as strong willed and directed as you. Working behind the scenes and keeping your opinions to yourself may also help all concerned. Perhaps just for today, let things happen in their own good time, just try to ensure the words don’t pour out of you.

Numerology for 13/ 09/ 2024

Obstacles could wake you up in some way and something may be deeply understood. Endurance may be needed but you may have no doubt that you can turn things around. You may have to look at new (ideally easier) ways of doing things, but stay focussed. Try also to feel grateful to the obstacles – they keep you grounded, focused, and connected to others, they also mean you are moving forward. Be sensitive to those around you and expect a degree of compromise, but not where your ultimate goals are concerned. You might also be closer than you think to turning things around, so stay positive and try not to be too impatient.

Numerology for 12/ 09/ 2024

You may like to be the centre of attention and while others may find ‘your completely different perspective’ amusing you may feel you need a break from this, perhaps focusing more on your private life before taking your dream on again. If this is the case, give yourself that break, look from a new perspective and there is the potential for a breakthrough. Whatever you decide to do, stay connected with your truth and try not to take the behaviour of others personally.

Numerology for 11/ 09/ 2024

A great deal of re-evaluation may be required if you are to understand what makes others act the way they do. You may feel as though you have been ‘sleep walking’ and that you have suddenly woken up. If this is the case, get a grip on your moodiness and master your emotions. Give yourself space to look at things from a new perspective and continue trying to make your plans a reality. Try also not to take yourself and your beliefs too seriously and try to be more forgiving. Change is always guaranteed.

Numerology for 10/ 09/ 2024

Finding a balance between work and home responsibilities may be a major preoccupation for you today and there may be a struggle to be independent and self-confident. Despite being very single minded and wanting to be seen as in charge, you may feel pulled in different directions. You may have a great sense of duty towards others, as well as your own private goals and may have to trust that life will move you where you are needed. If so, before taking action, try to listen to your inner voice first and allow yourself to be guided. Try to focus on what needs to be done and understood. Emotions can provide great wisdom, as well as send you all over the place, so try to exercise emotional control, forgiving yourself and others.

Numerology for 09/ 09/ 2024

It may be important that you acknowledge just how sensitive you are and try not to make things too complicated. Your ideas may be impractical, and it is important that you listen to others, ideally co-operating with them, even if internally you don’t want to acknowledge what they are saying. The difficult challenges you are facing may have been building up for most of this year and although you may have great endurance and will power, you must also be realistic and practical. Don’t despair and don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability. Open your heart and listen to those who have your best interests at heart, let them help you.

Numerology for 08/ 09/ 2024

You may want to get to the bottom of things and stay true to your beliefs but co-operate with others too. Be yourself as much as possible, without pushing too hard. Express your great sensitivity and listen to others, no matter what. Your ideas are not always easy for others to accept, don’t take this personally, other people may not ‘get you’ but you do, and it may help to focus on this while cooperating with others as much as possible.

Numerology for 07/ 09/ 2024

You will not give up until you achieve what you have set out to achieve and this battle can captivate you. There may be frustration also regarding all you may feel you lose out on in your relentless pursuit of success. So remember laughter and joy, as you work with others more, it doesn’t have to be you against the world …  You may also benefit greatly from meditation &/or going into the quiet to feel your connection with the cosmos, dedicating your success to something greater than yourself. There is no easy way to achieve all that you what to but co-operating with others and trusting your intuition could help you greatly.