Numerology for 30/ 06/ 2024

Despite your detailed planning and great will power, you may feel you have taken on too much responsibility and may have to fight your exhaustion to stay focussed. New thinking may be required if you are to push through and make your plans a reality. You may feel very motivated, as you may want to provide for everyone. You are also very sensitive, with great compassion and may want to nurture others in your own creative way. Believe in yourself but don’t get caught up in your own self-importance. Find your truth and allow your natural inner strengths to come to the fore, allow yourself to be guided.

Numerology for 29/ 06/ 2024

You may feel pushed into action and overwhelmed by emotion all at the same time, there may also be a fear of failure/ rejection/endings. Despite your great willpower, it may be important that you take time to listen to others and re-evaluate before acting. Focus on what needs to be done and understood, making time to build your inner resources, as well as on the outside. Don’t underestimate the power of intuition and synchronicity.

Numerology for 28/ 06/ 2024

Finding the courage to be yourself may be important to you today. This may mean going into the quiet and truly finding yourself again. There may be lots of distractions and you may be very impatient for everything to be perfect. You cannot impose your beliefs on others and may find holding your tongue, while maintaining your fine sense of humour proves most effective. So, ‘hands off’ and let things happen …’Who Dares Wins’ …

Numerology for 27/ 06/ 2024    

You are very protective of all that matters to you and only once your base is secure, do you proceed inexorably towards your target. You can be ruthlessly practical and may feel your actions are just and totally correct but loosen up a bit, truly listen and try to see things as others do You may care very deeply for others and may feel so responsible for the happiness of others that you are giving too much. Perhaps stop and ask yourself, “am I doing this to make me feel better or you?” Reflect also on how ambitious and creative you are and make time to pursue this. All the time you put others before yourself, you may be running on empty with no time for you and the resulting frustration, may mean the words pour out of you. The only way to help others is by helping yourself first … It may be time to give yourself, and others space, then find your spiritual path and stick to it …

Numerology for 26/ 06/ 2024

You may feel pushed into action but may find you have the courage and stamina to stay the course. This may help you to become a tower of strength and reliability to your family and friends, as well as an inspirational manager. All you experience may help you to inspire many but may also make you very protective of those you love. If so, have confidence in the ability of others to look after themselves. You may find that friends and family welcome you focussing on yourself for a while. It may also be vital for your health, that you have interests outside of your home. This may mean working in a different way to others, but be creative, stay grounded and listen to those you love. You can be very critical and intimidating, instead try to be patient and don’t let emotion cloud your judgement. Take time to re-evaluate. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Numerology for 25/ 06/ 2024

You may be sensitive, there may be obstacles and others trying to impose their way of thinking on you. You may be determined to speak for others and like to stay one step ahead, but you may need to stand back and re-evaluate first. You can be so highly attuned to the feelings of others, that you may become deeply involved with their problems and may not be able to help as a result. It may be key that you take time to listen to others and see things from their perspective. Spend time on your own also, reconnect with who you truly are and what you are trying to achieve. This may be the perfect time to take a break – ideally to have a holiday.

Intellect, Truth & ‘Google’

When looking for truth it is only natural that we start our search by looking outside of ourselves. We may come to know ourselves by how our environment responds to us. 

For many of us, our investigation may include the search engine ‘Google’.
Looking at this word in terms of Numerology: –

   6 6      5   17/  8     = Soul Urge or Motivation
7       73      17/  8     = Personality or ‘What the world sees’

                         34/16/ 7 = Overall Self Expression (OSE)

The 17/ 8 of the Soul Urge and Personality, represents seeking out the truth, wanting to get to the bottom of things. This number also represents ‘God and his creature’ or someone in the darkness of the mineral kingdom (1) connecting with spirit (7).
The 7 in Numerology can represent ‘the magician’ as the 7 contains the 3 & 4, the blueprint or the original idea (3) and the potential to build something from this (4)

The 34 of the OSE represents new structures (4) evolving naturally from the blueprint or the original idea (30/ 3), with the potential to scatter energy or to ‘shine for other’s’.
The subsequent 16/ 7 represents the mind in action and is the ultimate mirror, reflecting back images of ourselves in our relationships. This number can also represent great transience and change as we take responsibility for our behaviour towards others (6) and are encouraged down a spiritual path (7).

The 16th card in Tarot (Tarot comes from Numerology), is The Tower being struck by lightning and coming down … The Tower embodying our beliefs, values and goals in life.

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Numerology for 24/ 06/ 2024

Today you may be striving for perfection and peace, but your apparent selfless nature may hide a strong and tenacious will, as you may also be quite ruthless about getting what you want and may be very sensitive too. You may like to be the centre of attention, but give yourself space and time to look from a different perspective and co-operate with others more. Let others help you to explore other options. For your health and with the help of others, allow yourself to stand back and let go of all that is unproductive, all you no longer need to carry. It may be time to decide – ‘I’ve done all I can do, I stop now’

Numerology for 23/ 06/ 2024

You may be ambitious but there may also be a fear of not being good enough and you may be exhausted. You like to plan in detail, but you may also be oversensitive. You may find there are no simple easy solutions, and the answer may be to keep trying. But find the courage to be yourself, letting go of the past, having faith in yourself and the universe, and you may find that out of the blue, you are connecting with spirit and making decisions with less emotion. So, stay positive and try to think in terms of ‘Who Dares Wins’.

Kelly Holmes, Linda Robson, Coleen Nolan & ‘Loose Women’

Relationship Chart Loose Women 3

‘Loose Women’ is an ITV lunchtime chat show, with a rotating panel comprised of women from the entertainment and journalism worlds. They discuss issues from a female perspective.

The above ‘Relationship Chart’ illustrates the connections between ‘Loose Women’ and panellists Coleen Nolan, Linda Robson and Kelly Holmes.

Coleen Nolan is famous for being a member of the girl group ‘The Nolans’ and for her appearances on ‘Loose Women’ in its early days.  Although she left the show some time ago, she is still remembered as a panellist and some would say her influence is still felt.

Courageous, determined and all heart, Coleen can scatter her energy, feeling responsible for everyone’s happiness and coming alive when she has an audience. Coleen loves to share her unique perspective and can be very impulsive and spontaneous with her creativity. She can drive herself to the limit when scattering her energy, responding to her environment (putting others before herself).

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