Russia and Ukraine from the Perspective of Numerology

This article follows my previous article “The date 22/ 02/ 2022, Russia and Ukraine”, which was written prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (24/02/2022). In the period between these articles, we have experienced a very intense period of 2 energy. Each date from 20/02/2022 to 28/02/2022 inclusive contains five 2’s, except 22/02/2022 which contains six 2’s and the greatest concentration of 2 energy to date.

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Numerology for 01/ 03/ 2022

Today are all emerging from 8 days of very intense 2 energy (1 date with 6 2s, 7 dates with 6 2s). Personally we may start to feel lighter, more together and less reactive to enormous sensitivities …
We are now working more with the 3 rhythm which may encourage greater creativity and communication …

You are sensitive but with a tough side, that you may want to build upon. You are good on planning and attention to detail, but may focus on this to avoid taking action, particularly when your personal life is not going according to plan. Be grateful to obstacles, they keep you grounded, focused and connected to others’, they may also force you into action. Carrying emotional hurt or confusion with you on the inside can cause frustration, passivity and suffering. It may help you greatly to focus on the bigger picture and where you want to get to, rather than the obstacles. Necessity is the mother of invention and you have the potential make something from nothing and to transform things, if you can push through with your creativity and never give up.