Numerology for 08/ 02/ 2019

Trust your intuition, read the signs around you and try to ensure your physical actions are in tune with them. Be sensitive to the undercurrents running behind things and try to stay objective and true to who you are. You may be working with others to bring in the wisdom of the new consciousness and may feel very impatient and frustrated that things are not happening fast enough. Focus on mastering yourself and understand you are connected to something so much bigger – it is your intention and heart that matter, new thinking is on its way …

Numerology for 07/ 02/ 2019

You may feel very aware of the suffering of others today and may truly want to make a difference. It is important that you try to stay detached and focus on what you can change. By climbing down into the hole with others you are less able to help them … Try to remain positive and idealistic, even if you can change but a tiny piece of this world, you can perfect yourself. There may be a lot of emotion with regard to standing alone in respect of this, so choose your friends well and together you can stand up for what you believe in and try to make the world a better place.

Numerology for 06/ 02/ 2019

You may be able to see with crystal clear vision what needs to change and may have the potential to inspire others to think in new ways, but you may also want to maintain your popularity as well as peace and harmony. You may be exuding a confidence and charisma that you do not feel inside and now may be the time to take a good look at yourself apart from opinions of others. See past the illusions and the games people may play, try to keep things simple and love the work that you do. Try to live up to the great faith others may place in you, ensuring your words are considered and that you follow through with action that is positive and well directed. Wanting popularity and the approval of others can mean giving your power away. Cultivating inner strength pays great dividends, especially today.

Numerology for 05/ 02/ 2019

You may be giving your all to making your vision real, but you may also be struggling to be independent and self-confident. You are a great organiser, but also a perfectionist who is deeply sensitive, with deep emotional needs. Try not to be too impatient with others, give them a chance to catch up with you and make your motives clearer. You may want to get to the bottom of things, but remember to laugh and have fun too. Trust your intuition and use your true feelings to see clearly in all situations … In the process of letting go, you may find your true self.

Numerology for 04/ 02/ 2019

You may be holding on too tightly to a structure that has gone. Now may be the time to master your emotions, to let go with love and to trust. You want to help others, but this has to be in your own unique way and while no one doubts your considerable energy and sincerity, with your great emotional control many do not appreciate the depth of your feelings. Also, your eccentricities are charming but they can irritate others, as your way of doing things may not make sense to anyone else. You may have to learn to laugh at yourself, while getting some things straightened out on the inside, to help you to find the beauty and the treasure …

Numerology for 03/ 02/ 2019

You may be comparing yourself with others and feeling you are not good enough. You may feel unsettled and by focussing so much on your plans and the detail you may feel overwhelmed. It may help to just focus on holding up your end of the deal, in your own way, in your own time, just being yourself. Don’t be frightened of feelings. We all have to face responsibilities sooner or later.

Numerology for 02/ 02/ 2019

There may be lots of emotion and frustration with regard to embracing change and going with the flow. Your sensitivity may feel like quite an emotional load to carry and you need to balance this with the side of you that wants to be involved with big projects ‘out there – making a difference’. Working with others may help a great deal today, as this may help you to see things from a new perspective. Understand that embracing change can help you to build the inner temple and find the treasure within, as the spiritual can become stronger and ultimately cannot be touched or taken.

Numerology for 01/ 02/ 2019

You have great will power and can be a perfectionist who takes your responsibilities very seriously. You may feel very frustrated when you want harmony and for things to be done ‘properly’, but let others help and together you can explore new ideas and ways forward. You are always pushing yourself, when thinking in new ways and connecting with others may be the way forward.

Find the harmony within and this will surround you …