Try to be a bit more flexible and embrace change. Try also to see the bigger picture and to let go and trust. Master your emotions, find the harmony within and it will surround you.
Month: January 2013
Numerology for 10/ 01/ 2013
You are a realist, capable of sizing people and situations up and acting accordingly. You can be blunt and do not hesitate to speak your truth. You like to dominate from behind the scenes and can feel overwhelmed by responsibility. Carrying all your armour can weigh you down. Try to see the much bigger picture and embrace change. Develop a global vision of yourself and the world. Self realise.
Numerology for 09/ 01/ 2013
You are very ambitious and are capable of devoting all of your energies to getting to the top. Don’t allow your ambition to lead you away from the best in you. You have a knack for recognising opportunities and are capable of applying great pressure on others. Beware of your sometimes poisonous tongue – you plan and can get very frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. You have a powerful intellect, as well as great emotional control. your words can wound as well as heal.
Numerology for 08/ 01/ 2013
Today if you feel stuck – try to shift old dead energy, by de-cluttering and thinking in new ways. You have an old pattern of behaviour to transform and it’s time to shift the old energies so the new energies can come through. Accept change and responsibility. Realise amazing friendships are forged when you overcome obstacles together.
Numerology for 07/ 01/ 2013
You are sensitive and love intrigue; you see much that escapes others. You can be frightened of making a mistake and when things don’t go according to your plans, there is a danger you can close off from the world and get very frustrated. Try to always see the bigger picture and not get caught up in the detail. Stay positive and beware of the words pouring out of you.
Numerology for 06/ 01/ 2013
Try not to be too impatient and keep your energies focussed. Don’t panic if things are not working out exactly as you had planned, find your centre and continue to trust your inner voice. Stay disciplined, without discipline there is a danger you can overdo everything. See things from the point of view of others, but this is your life and it is not to be lived through or for others.
Numerology for 05/ 01/ 2013
You are not one to be kept down – you are very resilient with a great capacity for comebacks. You are full of ideas and very generous. You are determined to be very independent, when working with others could bring great results. Try to see things from the point of view of others and beware of focussing on the planning and not taking the action.
Numerology for 04/ 01/ 2013
You can sum up what is wrong concisely, dream up schemes that actually work and accomplish tasks with minimum effort. In order to go one step further and to inspire others to think in new ways, you must think in new ways also. Your challenge is to see the beauty without the perfection and to learn to let go and trust.
Numerology for 03/ 01/ 2013
You plan and are determined to be truly independent, but there is so much emotion for you around taking others with you and inspiring them to think in new ways. You have such a strong sense of duty towards others, that it is hard for you, not to put others first and can be difficult for you when others are not as committed as you. Realise you don’t always have to win and try not to get frustrated when your plans result don’t result in action. Follow your inner voice, but allow yourself to be flexible also.
Numerology for 02/ 01/ 2013
It is important you take time off from work as you make tremendous demands on yourself and have high standards. Let go of your problems and get out there in new ways, by reconnecting with your feelings and your creative side.