Teach others through your experience and understanding, not necessarily through words, but through staying on track when all around you changes. Always see the bigger picture, despite inherent frustrations, let go and trust with regard to all you cannot change.
Month: February 2012
Numerology for 28/ 02/ 2012
Try to find some quiet ‘me time’, away from constant distraction. To help you achieve success through creativity and communication, try not to spend time and energy getting frustrated by what you cannot change i.e. other people. Focus on what you can change, stay positive and find the courage to go for it. Look within find peace on the inside and it will surround you.
Numerology for 27/ 02/ 2012
You can be very insightful with regard to the outside world, but may at times understand little about yourself, other than what you think you want and there can be a big gap between what you want and what you need. Too often you may think your problems will be solved by another person. Look inward not just outward for what you need. Beware of glamour. Use your true feelings to see clearly in all situations. Put yourself in the driving seat, in the midst of great transience and change.
Numerology for 26/ 02/ 2011
Keep things simple and try to master your emotions. Be decisive and spontaneous – sometimes letting others be the boss, without any comment from you. See obstacles as stepping stones, connecting you to others and helping you to turn the negative into positive.
Numerology for 25/ 02/ 2011
Giving your all for a cause may be very important to you, but not everyone has the same beliefs as you. So, try to communicate your ideas with deep respect for the views of others. Survive and be happy quietly pursuing your cause, no matter what life offers and try always to see the bigger picture.
Numerology for 24/ 02/ 2012
Truly respect and love who you are – you don’t have to put others before yourself and you don’t have to accept all that fate sends your way. Let go of the past. Have faith in yourself and in the universe. Use your great flair for business to see the opportunities for growth and change that preset themselves as obstacles.
Numerology for 23/ 02/ 2012
You can be a great problem solver, but have to remain open to the suggestions of others. You don’t always have the best solution and may have to back off occasionally. Rather than back track you like to choose another path. Remember to relax and have fun along the way, there is also great wisdom in your feelings and emotions.
Numerology for 22/ 02/ 2012
You have a great sense of duty, but must allow for mistakes. Don’t be so demanding of yourself and others. Not everyone wants to be mothered and not everyone has worthy ideals and goals. Allow others space by learning to let go and trust. Inspire others to think in new ways through your actions not just your words.
Numerology for 21/ 02/ 2012
You may struggle to express yourself on a personal level. You can be very wrapped up in yourself and complex, but your ideas are important and need to be ‘out there’. Believe in yourself and try to stay more vital and connected. Too much feeling can block you or it can empower you with passion. Know what you are here to do, break through barriers and find the courage to be yourself.
Numerology for 20/ 02/ 2012
Lots of emotion and impatience today, about winning and what it means to be truly independent. Try to be patient with those who are doing their best to keep up with you. True success should not be at the expense of the feelings of others and should benefit everyone. Stick by what you believe and try not to overwhelm others, especially if you want to make a good impression.