You have a vivid imagination, like excitement and you want to be at the centre of what is going on. This fun loving side may hold you back, because you truly want to make a difference, but may get easily distracted. You may have to push yourself a bit more and not allow yourself to be manipulated or imposed upon. Find the courage to truly be yourself, rather than who others want you to be, embrace change. Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground
Month: October 2011
Numerology for 10/ 10/ 2011
You want to inspire others through your work but there is quite a lot of emotion involved with this as you are quite a perfectionist and you want total financial security. You can ensure the smooth operation of a business by wasting no time zeroing in on problems and correcting them. It is important you allow your money, time, effort and emotions all to flow, giving then away sometimes, as this makes for a more vital and interesting life.
Numerology for 09/ 10/ 2011
Your intuition about others is often right, but you may have a blind spot when it comes to yourself and you may fail to see what is obvious to others. You have a great gift for guiding others and can be extremely encouraging and positive, but you may have difficulty asking for help yourself and there may be a real struggle to be independent and self confident. Reflect and make some hard choices. Don’t be so anxious to please and guard your dreams.
Numerology for 08/ 10/ 2011
As well as being responsible & conscientious, you are a free spirit who can key into the essence of things. You need to learn to deal with distractions & your thirst for excitement. Experiences are to be learned from as well as lived. You may get frustrated when your unconventional thinking doesn’t get results fast enough for you. But learn to see the bigger picture & learn to trust, because when you can nothing is impossible.
Numerology for 07/ 10/ 2011
Your piercing, insightful views can cause ripples despite your humour and charm. You are very strong-minded and totally convinced that you are right. You may feel it’s all down to you to make your vision real and to make your ideas happen. Your need for independence doesn’t have to mean ‘you against the world’. You have the power to create anything that you dream, but you must be able harness your wild side and direct it towards one goal.
Numerology for 06/ 10/ 2011
You want to improve the lives of those around you and may do so most effectively by looking to your own life and inspiring yourself to think in new ways and to do things in new ways. Learn from life when to let go and trust and when to keep yourself on track in the midst of chaos and movement, keeping the stillness inside. Your love of fun and desire to live life to the fullest can mean you feel a need to be endlessly optimistic and this can be depressing. Don’t be afraid to grieve if you feel the need to.
Numerology for 05/ 10/ 2011
The truth is crystal clear to you and you may reach the point that you can’t just stand by, looking on and keeping the peace on the outside. Find the courage within to stand alone, find the peace on the inside and you may find you are not alone for long. Do things in your own unique way and achieve success so you can help others more effectively.
Numerology for 04/ 10/ 2011
You are agreeable and charming with an inner toughness that ensures you live and behave the way you wish to. Obstacles can bring out your fighting side, but beware of getting stuck, by just reacting to your environment. You need to set yourself goals and a timetable to reach them.
Numerology for 03/ 10/ 2011
You are interested in everything, want everything up-to-date and to be the very best you can in your chosen field. You have piercing insights with regard to others, but may be very reluctant to reveal what you know about yourself. You plan in great detail and can get frustrated by inaction and things not being perfect. Don’t get caught up in superficiality, seek out your truth, what you are looking for is on the inside and can’t be touched or taken. There is great wisdom in the emotions you choose to suppress or control, listen to what’s happening on the inside, not just the outside.
Numerology for 02/ 10/ 2011
Let others see you as you truly are but try not to be too sharp in your remarks. You can read others and see beyond their masks and this can help you to turn situations around – but you may feel unable to express your personal feelings and to truly connect with others. You may feel very sceptical but let go and trust – get beyond your fear, reach out to others and you may be surprised.