Take a long hard look at your current situation and make a realistic assessment. The respect of others is important to you and when hurt you reveal little of the pain you suffer. Carrying all that armour can be tiring, so respect yourself by taking a back seat once in a while and allow yourself to just enjoy the ride.
Month: November 2010
Numerology for 9/ 11/ 2010
You may be completely caught up in the excitement of what you are doing now and may benefit by looking squarely at what you are doing, to ensure your talents and energy are being used in the most constructive and productive way. You may feel a great need for protection and to always be moving forward, but some reflection may be needed.
Numerology for 8/ 11/ 2010
Your powers of concentration are so great and you may need to temper your intensity and relax. Allow your family and friends to ground you. Reduce the complexity in your life and confront your personal demons. Controlling your world can make it smaller.
Numerology for 7/ 11/ 2010
Try to remain positive and don’t allow yourself to vegetate. You need a challenge and can create your own problems out of boredom or a need to struggle. Set yourself the personal goal of making your ideas real and pursue this actively.
Numerology for 6/ 11/ 2010
Not everyone appreciates your enthusiasm and you may benefit from talking to those who do not share your beliefs. Learn to handle disappointment, maintain your balance and ensure your energies flow in an uninterrupted stream rather than in spurts. Some truths are best unspoken and you may need to find a way to mute your energy, while still being you.
Numerology for 5/ 11/ 2010
You are a realist first and somehow to feel worthwhile you need to feel plugged into what is happening around you. You can be so closely associated with a cause that you struggle to define your own identity. Don’t build your life around others. Connect to the true you and tend to your own needs.
Numerology for 4/ 11/ 2010
You have a knack for arousing controversy and may need to learn to work quietly, with your emotions under control. You are a master of breaching defences but you need to recognise your limitations. You have a talent for persuasion, but can misjudge your audience. Express the beauty, find the peace within and it will surround you.
Numerology for 3/ 11/ 2010
You are determined always to get to the truth and to achieve success so you can help others. Your great sense of responsibility towards others can open doors for you. You fight with stamina and endurance. You also plan meticulously, always focusing on the right time to act. You live by your own rules and need to have faith in yourself, comparing yourself with others can be a complete waste of time
Numerology for 2/ 11/ 2010
You may have to be more forgiving and accepting. Cool under pressure, you have an explosive reserve that can be sensed by everyone. You need to find the courage to look within and to fight your own intolerance – otherwise your mania to win could cost you dearly.
Numerology for 1/ 11/ 2010
Learn to be a bit more realistic when sizing up your opposition and understand perfection’s not always possible. You have great insight into technical matters, but not into yourself. Love yourself as well as your truth.